Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You might appreciate someone’s reluctance when you remember how sailing in uncharted waters or trying something untested can feel. Let people become familiar with surroundings before you push too hard.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You may not feel you can stop once a new interest captures your heart. Find a balance if you have duties that need to be completed. Persistence and determination are two main keys to making things happen.

GEMINI: Stick to the facts and rely on verifiable information rather than giving in to unfounded doubts and fears. A loved one or trusted partner can alert you to limitless possibilities and help you achieve your goals.

CANCER: Remember your long-term goals and ignore passing whims. It’s long past time for self-care if your inner child is threatening a temper tantrum. A loved one may receive more attention than you but does not love you any less.

LEO: Baby steps are often best. With your open mind, you may be tempted to experiment with something new. While you take your time to evaluate the interesting and novel, keep your feet on solid and trusted ground.

VIRGO: Take charge of your own destiny and cross off some adventures. Get ahead in the material world by listening to sound advice and exercising your wisdom. Widen your horizons by embracing something interesting and profound.

LIBRA: You may be willing to put your money on the line. Keep one ear to the ground and you can form useful contacts while making the social rounds. Romance may be the last thing on your mind when you meet a charming someone.

SCORPIO: Accept shifting conditions and don’t attack the mirror. A family member may have the insight and experience to see your situation with great clarity. Discuss any impending changes with calm equanimity.

SAGITTARIUS: You may have incredible charisma and might be feeling lucky. However, do not be surprised if someone opposes your desires or challenges your ideas. This can be a good time to make necessary financial changes.

CAPRICORN: Suit up. Your determination to succeed can propel you to success when you launch new projects and plans. Your softer side knows how to make gatherings with family or friends unique, fun and fulfilling.

AQUARIUS: Remain gentle and avoid playing rough, getting along with other people should be a priority now. Learn lots from your own mistakes and instead of criticizing others’ mistakes, hit it out of the park by learning from those, too.

PISCES: Combine emotional intelligence with a clear and reasoned view of hard facts. Honor your promises and you should find that your doubts disappear. This is a good time to make decisions about possessions and finances.

IF JAN. 4 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your passion for material success and confidence in your abilities should be at a high point during the upcoming two to three weeks. You have the drive and determination to follow through and complete almost anything you begin. If idealism or wishful thinking may temporarily block your success in February, consider it a guardrail. Keep note of interesting concepts and/or opportunities in late March and early April — your heart and mind are likely to be filled with inspiring ideas. Romantic daydreams could make you want to take a vacation built for two. Put business, career, and financial decision on hold in the first half of May when your practical skills are at a low point. Experience your own “happily ever after” by putting important plans into motion during late July. Your judgment will be at its best and supporters may deliver some beneficial opportunities.

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