Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Be careful about what you say because when you speak, people listen. Family gatherings could be a source of frustration. Avoid stirring up controversial subjects and be open-minded about other people’s opinions.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: True love is one thing, riding out the ups and downs of an ongoing relationship can be a greater challenge. You may already be engrossed in new strategies, but don’t ignore something else that could improve your life.

GEMINI: Be a pragmatist. Get a clear picture of what you can and cannot accomplish before adopting a new business or financial plan. It may be difficult to talk emotional issues over with a closest friend or romantic partner.

CANCER: If all your energies are centered on achieving your ambitions, it can be difficult to maintain work-life balance. Frequent interruptions might be annoying and distracting. Don’t be deterred by temporary doubts.

LEO: Plan your business and financial strategies collaboratively with a wise partner. Putting two heads together can help you hone your battle plan for success to a sharper point. Complicated social situations might be highlighted.

VIRGO: If at first you don’t succeed, it may be time to pivot. Consider a major revision to your plans to make more money. Someone else’s independent viewpoint might stir your enthusiasm and provide a better sense of direction.

LIBRA: You might become known as an expert wheeler-dealer. Once you become committed to a financial plan or project, you can envision all the details. To strike a perfect agreement, both sides must benefit equally.

SCORPIO: Inventive and exciting concepts can come into sharp focus. Talk things over with a loyal partner or family friend before you try something new since you could go overboard. Your job may entail handling unexpected adjustments.

SAGITTARIUS: Set your sights on attaining a worthy goal. You can share mutual benefits if you enlist support from friends or business contacts. The greater your self-esteem, the more you are able to be tolerant and empathetic toward those different than yourself.

CAPRICORN: Bargain hunters might be in their element today. Your business savvy is at a high point so you can use coupons, look for bargains or make money-saving changes to your budget. Ignore potentially hurtful family gossip.

AQUARIUS: Your clever grasp of business tactics might be in great demand. You have a hold on what is marketable and what could make sense from a financial standpoint. However, your love life might not be very exciting now.

PISCES: Do the research and make decisions carefully now. It’s a lot wiser to go along with recommended financial guidelines than to fly by wire without a net. Shore up your finances and bolster your resources.

IF JAN. 25 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Romance may be on your mind during the next two weeks, but it can’t come through a door that is locked and bolted. Open your heart to your partner if committed or consider someone new if single. Be wary of fantasies that do not match reality. Your judgment with matters to do with material success could result in profitable transaction in late February when you are more practical and realistic. Inner compulsions or issues could distract you from what needs to get done in March, when you are more prone to ignoring the fine print and being fooled by appearances. The first half of May is an ideal time to take a vacation or spend romantic moments with an affectionate partner. You should be able to rest on your laurels in late May when your optimism is enhanced. Achieving your worldly ambitions could come at a high price during early August when you may go to extremes to get the upper hand.

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