Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Relationship or friendship issues could become an obstacle in your path and block your progress. You may be charming but attract unwanted attention. Hold off on starting a new project, sign an agreement or load up your credit card for now.اضافة اعلان

Tackle every task according to the highest standards and your work ethic can pay off. Try not to get carried away and spend money you may not have yet earned or received. Make decisions based on facts rather than wishful thinking.

GEMINI: You may be feeling reckless but could find it brings you too much attention. Apply your energies in an appropriate manner by engaging in constructive activities. Avoiding key changes at this time can help prevent an impulsive decision from backfiring.

CANCER: You might be at your best acting as the assistant on important business projects. A romantic partner might be uncomfortable if you are too friendly with someone else, and you may find a friend or associate becomes jealous if you give someone else your attention.

LEO: Be the kind of friend you wish you had. Although other people might be at odds, your friendliness and congeniality can protect you from possible conflicts. Be enthusiastic about your goals but avoid becoming reckless.

VIRGO: Read between the lines if a loved one or partner is evasive or pretends to play hard to get. Give someone a pat on the back rather than knocking the chip off their shoulder. Remain calm during a brief period of confusion and mix-ups.

LIBRA: Be realistic. Someone can help you achieve your objectives if you focus on the practical side and avoid being too naive. You may be easily misled by people or things that may look better than they really are. Getting a second opinion can bring clarity.

SCORPIO: Be happy for a partner or loved one who may be excited about a new idea or social outing. You can share in someone’s joy and benefit from the sharing of ideas. Things might not go your way if you let your possessiveness or envy get the best of you.

SAGITTARIUS: Someone may drop a valuable idea in your lap if you appear friendly and outgoing. This might not be a good time to make major purchases or invest, so keep new ideas on ice for a few days until conditions improve.

CAPRICORN: Find ways to be part of the action without triggering someone’s jealousy. Your home could be a hub of activity so organize events and lend a helping hand where needed. A temporary impasse could be resolved soon.

AQUARIUS: If it’s raining dollars, grab a bucket. Rather than watch the money go down the drain, take advantage of the situation. You can profit from complicated mix-ups by keeping your eyes open and being sensible.

PISCES: Pretense can be an unhappy prologue. You could feel it could be necessary to camouflage your true feelings and it may give someone the wrong impression. Once someone makes the first move, you should have no reason to hide or retreat.

IF MARCH 15 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: During the next two to three weeks, you would be wise to write down your inspiring ideas so you can put them to good use later. During late May and early June, you may have highly unrealistic expectations without the practical touch necessary to turn them into something useful. In April and May, your business sense could be at a low point, but in the first half of May, an opportunity worth embracing may appear. That is an excellent time to launch plans, make crucial decisions and make lasting improvements to your health, although it might not be a good time for careful financial maneuvering and business tactics.

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