No matter how tech-savvy you are, there are certain things everyone who owns a computer should handle.
However, we don't always do things in the most effective ways. Here are four things anyone should learn to keep their computer fast, secure, and easy to use.
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Replacing Storage Memory
Storage memory is where your data resides on your device.
If you want more memory or need to replace the existing one before it fails, you may need a bit of skill.
Fortunately, replacing storage memory is quite simple.
For most laptops and desktops, all you need is a screwdriver.
Laptops typically allow memory to be swapped out like an old game cartridge.
Desktops use cables that must be connected in place, but again, the physical part of the process is very easy—just connect the cables for power and data.
Note that some newer laptops don’t allow you to change parts, so you’re stuck with whatever storage size came from the factory, just like with phones or tablets.
To avoid this, look for models that allow easy upgrades.
Setting Up a Power Supply
Of course, the easiest way to protect your data is not to lose it in the first place. That's why most people connect their computer to a surge protector.
However, the best way to defend against electrical issues is an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). This is a battery that continuously recharges your desktop computer and keeps it running directly.
With your computer powered by the battery instead of the home electrical system, there is no way for a brief interruption or power surge to damage it.
Additionally, you’ll get a short amount of time, usually less than 30 minutes, to save your work and shut down safely during a power outage.
The best part is that setting up a UPS is extremely easy and causes almost no inconvenience—simply plug the UPS into the power source and connect your computer to it.
Setting Up Encryption
What if your concern is not the physical safety of your computer but simply keeping prying eyes away from your files? In that case, you’ll want to encrypt them.
While encrypted data isn't totally unbreakable, it's secure enough to make accessing it more difficult.
Windows has built-in BitLocker encryption that you can access via settings.
Using external encryption applications is generally the easiest way to encrypt data on your computer.
There are other options if you want more serious protection.
Changing RAM (Random Access Memory)
Similar to replacing storage memory, replacing RAM is quite an easy process.
All you need is a screwdriver.
For desktops, changing RAM is simply a matter of unlocking the old RAM, pulling it out, and inserting the new RAM.
For laptops, you may need to open the bottom cover, but some laptops allow RAM replacement via a special external slot, so you won’t need to remove the entire bottom cover.
The most important skills for maintaining your computer include replacing essential components like memory and RAM, protecting your device from unexpected power outages with a UPS, and encrypting files to protect them from unauthorized access.