AUSTIN, Texas — On a warm evening in March, sorority girls in sundresses and
fraternity guys in moisture-wicking polos lined up at Cain and Abel’s, a
popular bar near the
University of Texas at Austin, for a drink ticket and a
chance at everlasting love — both courtesy of Ilios, a dating app that matches
users based on their supposed astrological compatibility.
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The students
fumbled to find their IDs and download the app on their phones (several had to
ask for help spelling the company’s name) as they approached the bouncer,
daunted perhaps by the possibility of discovering their soul’s twin flame at
such a young age. But all were swayed by the promise of a free Texas Tea, a
cousin of the Long Island Iced Tea that contains approximately 78 different
Ilios is part of
a constellation of popular apps, including Co-Star, Sanctuary, the Pattern, and
Nebula, that aim to illuminate interpersonal connections using astrological
signs. It had taken over the bar for two hours on a Thursday night for the
latest in a series of launch events that have been as quiet and as soft as a
mouse tiptoeing across a Tempur-Pedic mattress. There was a “silent launch” in
Los Angeles in May 2021, then a “restricted launch” in Austin in November 2021,
and a party that Ilios hosted with the University of Texas chapter of the
fraternity Zeta Beta Tau.
“We’ve been very
subtle in our launch because we’re constantly trying to improve,” said Gracian
Mariathasan, 47 (an Aries), who founded the app with his brother, Marion, 46 (a
At Cain and
Abel’s, interest in the app generally fell along gender lines. Most of the men
knew their zodiac signs, but that’s where their curiosity ended. “I think for a
week in seventh grade I was like, Whoa, that’s so me. And then I was like, ‘Oh
wait, no, I don’t care,’ ” said Luke Anderson, 21, a Pisces.
The Ilios dating app, which matches users based on several factors, including “zodiac compatibility,” in Austin, Texas, March 24, 2022. Ilios joins a constellation of apps that cater to the astrologically curious.
Women overall
were more engaged with the concept, specifically two who were emphatic about
never again dating Scorpio men. “But Scorpio women are amazing!” Faith Barzilla,
21, assured this Scorpio reporter.
“It’s basically
like a weird statistic,” said Lexi Brooks, 23, an Aries who had sworn off
Scorpios. “It’s just like the stock market — you predict what’s going to happen
based on trends.”
At one crowded,
beer-slicked table, a group of women expressed mixed feelings about Ilios. Some
thought an
dating app would be good for hookups, but not anything
serious. Swati Sharma, 21, described her relationship with dating apps in
general as complicated. “Most of it is material for my stand-up,” she said.
This gender
imbalance is a positive for Ilios, the Mariathasan brothers said: where the
women go, guys will follow. “It’s a great thing for us, from a marketing
standpoint,” Gracian said. More limiting for the company: The current battery
capacity of smartphones, which remains disproportionate to the data needs of
this country’s young scholars. Two women said that while they were intrigued by
the app, they couldn’t explore it right now because their phones were about to die.
Though the app
assesses compatibility on several other (notably nonscientific) planes —
there’s a lifestyle compatibility score, numerology score, as well as an
overall compatibility score — Ilios plays up its astrological features.
Flyers for the
Cain and Abel’s event asked invitees if they were ready to meet their
“celestial match.” The T-shirts Marion brought to hand out at the bar were
emblazoned with the question “Do our stars align?” on the back. (Dating apps
like Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder allow users to include their astrological signs
in their profiles, but it’s not their primary feature.)
The idea for
Ilios first came to Gracian in 2018. He was having dinner with a fellow
engineer, who was bemoaning how superficial dating apps felt, and how he didn’t
have time to sift through all of the profiles to find a promising match.
Gracian started thinking of ways to filter matches that might encourage a more
substantive connection, and remembered his grandmother and his aunt in
Sri Lanka discussing the astrological compatibility of various couples when he was
From a data
standpoint, the idea intrigued him. “As an engineer, the challenge was, what do
you use as factors?” Gracian said. “How do you take the information that people
are willingly submitting to an app without asking too many invasive questions?”
In June 2018,
Gracian brought the idea of an astrology-based dating app to Marion, an
entrepreneur who has invested heavily in cannabis companies, and the two slowly
started building Ilios together. (This means the app itself is a Gemini.)
Ilios is financed
primarily by Marion’s venture firm, Ceylon Solutions, as well as the brothers
themselves, though Marion said they’ve lined up several private investors.
“Many of these family offices are older folks,” Marion said. “They’re not on
dating apps, but their children are.”
In terms of
complexity, synastry — the examination of the interplay between planets in two
different charts — falls somewhere between an advanced placement calculus class
and the moon landing. In Western astrology, each person’s astrological chart
includes 10 planets, each with its own sign, and 12 houses into which each of
the planets fall. Synastry analysis includes the composite chart, which takes
two charts and smashes them together to create one shared chart that contains
within it as many details about a relationship as there are grains of sand on
“It’s not just
one conversation between two parts. It could be 50 different conversations
between different parts of me, between different parts of you,” said Clarissa
Dolphin, another astrologer and board director of the International Society for
Astrological Research.
The Ilios team
isn’t getting into the astrological weeds just yet. “We don’t want to get too
deep,” Marion said. “For people that really want to go down the rabbit hole,
there are plenty of horoscope sites. This is for educating yourself on a
surface level, and if you’re looking for a friendship or relationship.”
Marion said there are
just over 6,000 users on the app. In the coming months, the company plans to
expand to larger cities across the
US, like Denver, Chicago, and New York, as
well as Toronto and eventually to India.
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