Evidence is mounting that a tiny subatomic particle seems to be
disobeying the known laws of physics, scientists announced Wednesday, a finding
that would open a vast and tantalizing hole in our understanding of the
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The result, physicists say, suggests that there are forms of
matter and energy vital to the nature and evolution of the cosmos that are not
yet known to science.
“This is our Mars rover landing moment,” said Chris Polly, a
physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), in Batavia,
Illinois, who has been working toward this finding for most of his career.
The particle célèbre is the muon, which is akin to an electron
but far heavier and is an integral element of the cosmos. Polly and his
colleagues — an international team of 200 physicists from seven countries —
found that muons did not behave as predicted when shot through an intense
magnetic field at Fermilab.
The aberrant behavior poses a firm challenge to the Standard
Model, the suite of equations that enumerates the fundamental particles in the
universe (17, at last count) and how they interact.
“This is strong evidence that the muon is sensitive to something
that is not in our best theory,” said Renee Fatemi, a physicist at the
University of Kentucky.
The results, the first from an experiment called Muon g-2,
agreed with similar experiments at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2001
that have teased physicists ever since.
At a virtual seminar and news conference Wednesday, Polly
pointed to a graph displaying white space where the Fermilab findings deviated
from the theoretical prediction. “We can say with fairly high confidence, there
must be something contributing to this white space,” he said. “What monsters
might be lurking there?”
“Today is an extraordinary day, long awaited not only by us but
by the whole international physics community,” Graziano Venanzoni, a
spokesperson for the collaboration and a physicist at the Italian National
Institute for Nuclear Physics, said in a statement issued by Fermilab. The
results are also being published in a set of papers submitted to several
peer-reviewed journals.
The measurements have about one chance in 40,000 of being a
fluke, the scientists reported, well short of the gold standard needed to claim
an official discovery by physics standards. Promising signals disappear all the
time in science, but more data are on the way. Wednesday’s results represent
only 6 percent of the total data
the muon experiment is expected to garner in the coming years.
For decades, physicists have relied on and have been bound by
the Standard Model, which successfully explains the results of high-energy
particle experiments in places like European Council for Nuclear Research’s (CERN)
Large Hadron Collider. But the model leaves many deep questions about the
universe unanswered.
Most physicists believe that a rich trove of new physics waits
to be found, if only they could see deeper and further. The additional data
from the Fermilab experiment could provide a major boost to scientists eager to
build the next generation of expensive particle accelerators.
Marcela Carena, head of theoretical physics at Fermilab, who was
not part of the experiment, said, “I’m very excited. I feel like this tiny
wobble may shake the foundations of what we thought we knew.”
Muons are an unlikely particle to hold center stage in physics.
Sometimes called “fat electrons,” they resemble the familiar elementary
particles that power our batteries, lights and computers and whiz around the
nuclei of atoms; they have a negative electrical charge, and they have a
property called spin, which makes them behave like tiny magnets. But they are
207 times as massive as their better-known cousins. They are also unstable, decaying
radioactively into electrons and superlightweight particles called neutrinos in
2.2 millionths of a second.
What part muons play in the overall pattern of the cosmos is
still a puzzle.
Muons owe their current fame to a quirk of quantum mechanics,
the nonintuitive rules that underlie the atomic realm.
Among other things, quantum theory holds that empty space is not
really empty but is in fact boiling with “virtual” particles that flit in and
out of existence.
This entourage influences the behavior of existing particles,
including a property of the muon called its magnetic moment, represented in
equations by a factor called g. According to a formula derived in 1928 by Paul
Dirac, the English theoretical physicist and a founder of quantum theory, the g
factor of a lone muon should be 2.
But muons are not alone, so the formula must be corrected for
the quantum buzz arising from all the other potential particles in the
universe. That leads the factor g for the muon to be more than 2, hence the
name of the experiment: Muon g-2.
The extent to which g-2 deviates from theoretical predictions is
one indication of how much is still unknown about the universe — how many
monsters, as Polly put it, are lurking in the dark for physicists to discover.
In 1998 physicists at Brookhaven, including Polly, who was then
a graduate student, set out to explore this cosmic ignorance by actually
measuring g-2 and comparing it to predictions.
In the experiment, an accelerator called the Alternating
Gradient Synchrotron created beams of muons and sent them into a 15m-wide
storage ring, a giant racetrack controlled by superconducting magnets.
The value of g they obtained disagreed with the Standard Model’s
prediction by enough to excite the imaginations of physicists — but without
enough certainty to claim a solid discovery. Moreover, experts could not agree
on the Standard Model’s exact prediction, further muddying hopeful waters.
Lacking money to redo the experiment, Brookhaven retired the 15m
muon storage ring in 2001. The universe was left hanging.
The Big Move
At Fermilab, a new campus devoted to studying muons was being
“That opened up a world of possibility,” Polly recalled in his
biographical article. By this time, Polly was working at Fermilab; he urged the
lab to redo the g-2 experiment there. They put him in charge.
To conduct the experiment, however, they needed the 15m magnet
racetrack from Brookhaven. And so in 2013, the magnet went on a 5,150km
odyssey, mostly by barge, down the Eastern Seaboard, around Florida and up the
Mississippi River, then by truck across Illinois to Batavia, home of Fermilab.
The experiment started up in 2018 with a more intense muon beam
and the goal of compiling 20 times as much data as the Brookhaven version.
Meanwhile, in 2020 a group of 170 experts known as the Muon g-2
Theory Initiative published a new consensus value of the theoretical value of
muon’s magnetic moment, based on three years of workshops and calculations
using the Standard Model. That answer reinforced the original discrepancy
reported by Brookhaven.
Into the Dark
The team had to accommodate another wrinkle. To avoid human bias
— and to prevent any fudging — the experimenters engaged in a practice, called
blinding, that is common to big experiments. In this case, the master clock
that keeps track of the muons’ wobble had been set to a rate unknown to the
researchers. The figure was sealed in envelopes locked in the offices at
Fermilab and the University of Washington in Seattle.
In a ceremony February 25 that was recorded on video and watched
around the world on Zoom, Polly opened the Fermilab envelope, and David Hertzog
from the University of Washington opened the Seattle envelope. The number
inside was entered into a spreadsheet, providing a key to all the data, and the
result popped out to a chorus of wows.
“That really led to a really exciting moment, because nobody on
the collaboration knew the answer until the same moment,” said Saskia Charity,
a Fermilab postdoctoral fellow who has been working remotely from Liverpool,
England, during the pandemic.
There was pride that they had managed to perform such a hard
measurement and then joy that the results matched those from Brookhaven.
“This seems to be a confirmation that Brookhaven was not a
fluke,” Carena, the theorist, said. “They have a real chance to break the
Standard Model.”
Physicists say the anomaly has given them ideas for how to
search for new particles. Among them are particles lightweight enough to be
within the grasp of the Large Hadron Collider or its projected successor.
Indeed, some might already have been recorded but are so rare that they have
not yet emerged from the blizzard of data recorded by the instrument.
Another candidate called the Z-prime could shed light on some
puzzles in the Big Bang, according to Gordan Krnjaic, a cosmologist at Fermilab.
The g-2 result, he said in an email, could set the agenda for
physics in the next generation. “If the central value of the observed anomaly
stays fixed, the new particles can’t hide forever,” he said. “We will learn a
great deal more about fundamental physics going forward.”