Weather stations reported a sharp drop in surface temperatures this morning in several regions on Sunday, February 23, 2025.
The following are the lowest recorded temperatures in some stations:
اضافة اعلان
-4.0°C at Queen Alia International Airport
-3.5°C at Ras Munif – Ajloun
-3.3°C in Shoubak
-2.2°C at the Salt weather station
-2.0°C in Tafileh
-1.3°C at the Amman Airport weather station
0°C in Zarqa
Forecast for Tonight and Early Monday Morning:
The sharp drop in surface temperatures is expected to continue, with temperatures below freezing in many areas, increasing the chances of frost and ice formation.
Important Warning:
Farmers, drivers, and all citizens are advised to take precautions against the risk of freezing and frost tonight and tomorrow morning, Monday, and to take the necessary preventive measures.
Stay tuned for continuous updates on the latest weather developments.