Warm weather conditions forecast until Monday - JMD

Warm weather conditions forecast until Monday - JMD
Warm weather conditions forecast until Monday - JMD
The Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba will see warmer temperatures than the rest of the Kingdom, on Friday, when temperatures will climb slightly.اضافة اعلان

High-altitude clouds may form, and mild southeasterly winds which can occasionally be strong in the Badia regions may result in dust storms.

The Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) predicts that Saturday's temperatures will increase by 9 to 11 degrees Celsius over their typical range for this season. There will be moderate easterly winds and relatively warm temperatures.

Temperatures in the capital Amman will range between a high of 24 degrees Celsius and a low of 11 degrees.

Highs in the port city of Aqaba will reach 34 degrees during the day, sliding to 23 degrees at night.