67% in Israel support Gaza ceasefire, prisoner exchange - poll

67% in Israel support Gaza ceasefire, prisoner exchange - poll
(Photo: Twitter/X)
TEL AVIV – On Friday, a public opinion poll held in Israel revealed a majority support for the release of Israeli prisoners from Gaza in exchange for a ceasefire, with a rate of 67 percent as reported by Israeli news source, Maariv.اضافة اعلان

The survey asked, “Do you support or oppose another deal to release hostages in exchange for a ceasefire?” The results showed 67 percent in favor, 22 percent opposed, and 11 percent answered, “I don't know.”

The poll also asked, “Should fighting stop during negotiations or only after signing the agreement?”Responses were 11 percent for “stop during negotiations,” 73 percent for “stop after signing the agreement,” and 16 percent answered “I don't know.”

Civilians were also inquired, “Should Israel continue the current ceasefire framework by releasing hostages daily?” There were 67 percent supporters, 22 percent opposes, and 11 percent “I don't know.”

On another note, the survey indicated that only 33 percent of Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is suitable for the position of the head of the government, while 46 percent said Minister of Defense Benny Gantz is more suitable. 20 percent did not have a specific answer. The results show an improvement in Netanyahu's standing after previous polls suggested that only 27 percent believed he was suitable for the position.

The survey also indicated that if elections were held today, the National Unity led by Gantz would come up first in the election with 38 seats, followed by Likud led by Netanyahu with 18 seats, and Yesh Atid party led by Yair Lapid in third place with 13 seats out of the 120 Knesset seats.

Additionally, according to the survey results, if elections were held today, parties supporting Netanyahu would get 45 seats, while parties opposing him would secure 70 seats, in addition to 5 seats for the Hadash party.

Maariv noted that the poll was conducted by the Lazar Research on a random sample of 502 Israelis, with a margin of 4.3 percent error.

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