Arab Parliament denounces Knesset's decision to classify UNRWA as terrorist organization

Arab Parliament denounces Knesset's decision to classify UNRWA as terrorist organization
Cairo - The Arab Parliament denounced, as a blatant challenge to international resolutions and laws, the Israeli Knesset's decision to classify the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as a terrorist organization.اضافة اعلان

In a statement on Tuesday, the Arab Parliament condemned the continued escalation of the Israeli occupation's massacres and its persistence in committing more genocide and ethnic cleansings that have been going on for more than 9 months, which embodies real terrorism in all its meanings, in defiance of the recent decision of the International Court of Justice.

The Arab Parliament emphasized its absolute support for UNRWA to continue to play its role in providing basic and necessary services to Palestinian refugees, as it is the only mechanism that carries out this important humanitarian responsibility to improve the conditions of Palestinians.

The Arab Parliament called on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards stopping these repeated crimes and violations and to provide international protection for UNRWA.

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