Corrosion of international support; Western officials turn on Israel

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AMMAN – Western officials are beginning to break their silence on the massacres committed by the Israeli occupation toward civilians in Gaza, with some even calling for penalties to be posed on Tel Aviv. اضافة اعلان

According to Hala News this reflects the beginning of the erosion of absolute western support for Israel.

The boldest criticisms came from the European Union capital,Brussels, where Prime Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo, demanded penalties be imposed on Israel.

Belgium is the first country in the European Union to express a willingness to impose penalties on Israel, but it is not alone. Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre offered strong criticism against Israel without explicitly demanding penalties, stating that it had clearly violated rules of war or humanitarian law.

The first European official to have the courage to call for the imposition of international penalties on Israel was the acting Spanish Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, under pressure from the opposition in parliament, expressed his concern over the Israeli attack on the Jabalia camp, emphasizing that 'the life of every Palestinian is as important as the life of every Israeli.

These European officials were joined by other prominent figures who previously held leadership positions in Western countries, such as former American President Barack Obama and former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, both of whom criticized Israel's massive bombing of Gaza.

Belgium leads the European movement
What used to be whispered behind closed doors has become a subject for discussion on the European Union's table. In an anticipated meeting on November 13, foreign ministers will discuss the 'war between Israel and the Resistance’.

Belgium's Prime Minister, De Croo, called upon EU member states to collectively impose penalties to prevent Israeli 'extremists' who incite violence against Palestinians from visiting Europe.

Croo addressed the parliament, saying, “Our country must ensure that those who commit serious crimes, such as those who perpetrate acts of violence in the West Bank, are prevented from entering our country and other EU countries.”

Belgian officials even threatened to impose penalties on the Israeli Minister of Heritage, Uri Ariel, who had called for the use of a nuclear bomb on Gaza. Croo said, “A minister calling for the use of nuclear weapons against a population that cannot defend itself and is currently living in terrible conditions.”

"However, in a press statement, Deputy Prime Minister De Sutter called for even harsher penalties than what De Croo suggested in parliament."

Sutter urged the European Union to immediately suspend the partnership agreement with Israel and impose a ban on importing products from the occupied Palestinian territories. She also called for a ban on settlers who engage in violence, as well as politicians and soldiers responsible for war crimes from entering the European Union.

The Belgian official emphasized the need to investigate Israel's bombings of hospitals and refugee camps in Gaza, stating that such actions 'constitute a war crime and are completely unacceptable.

Spanish minister's challenge Israel
No European official had been as harsh on Tel Aviv as the acting Spanish Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, who called on European countries to impose four penalties on Israel.

These penalties involve 'cutting diplomatic ties with TelAviv,' 'imposing economic penalties decisively,' 'implementing an arms embargo,' and 'bringing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and all other political leaders who bombed civilians to the International Criminal Court.

The Spanish minister, a member of the far-left Podemos party, was not alone in her government's criticism. She was joined by the Minister for Consumer Protection, Alberto Garzón, from the United Left party, who described the Israeli bombings of Gaza as “sheer savagery.”

Garzón emphasized that the 'violent and indiscriminate attack against civilian populations constitutes a collective punishment that blatantly violates international law. He stressed that 'what the Israeli government is doing is sheer savagery.

He considered it “dangerous that these actions are carried out by a country that calls itself democratic but has been occupying Palestinian territories without punishment for decades.”

Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, despite his explicit support for Tel Aviv, defended the rights of members of his government to freely express their opinions. This came after the Israeli Embassy in Madrid urged him to condemn these 'shameful statements,' hinting at 'anti-Semitism.'

"The Spanish government firmly rejected the Israeli Embassy's statement, stating, we firmly deny the truth in the Israeli Embassy's statement regarding some of its members, and we do not accept suggestions without any basis.”

"The government explained that in a full democracy like Spain, any political official can freely express their positions as a representative of a political party.”

However, this discussion places additional pressure on Sanchez to support stricter positions against Israel within the European Union's institutions, especially after he openly rejected the displacement of Gaza residents to Egypt's Sinai. His government also voted in favor of a ceasefire in the United Nations General Assembly, besides his support for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Rare criticisms
Previously, most European leaders did not dare to openly criticize Israel. However, more officials have recently expressed their opinions on the killing of children in Gaza, including Norwegian President Jonas Gahr Støre.

In a radio interview, the Norwegian President claimed that Israel had violated international humanitarian law in its war by responding disproportionately to the Palestinian resistance attack.

Yet, the Norwegian President did not call for any penalties against Tel Aviv. Instead, he focused on how to deliver urgent aid to the besieged Gaza, stating that 'the lack of access to aid clearly violates the rules of war or humanitarian law.

Interestingly, French President Emmanuel Macron, a staunch supporter of Israel in the European Union, began to retract his strict positions and instead criticized Tel Aviv, urging it to stop killing women and children in Gaza. He called on the United States and Britain to join the ceasefire calls without demanding any punitive actions.

Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, also known for supporting Tel Aviv, deemed Israel's response 'disproportionate' to the Palestinian resistance attack. He stated that 'self-defense is not a license for random killing.

Villepin, who also served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, emphasized that 'the policy of intensive bombing of civilian populations contradicts international law and will only fuel the conflict and undermine security.

The escalating Western criticism of Israel from its closest allies threatens to erode the absolute and unrestricted support for its war against Palestinians, including those in the West Bank. This aligns with the warnings issued by former American President Barack Obama.

Obama believes that measures such as cutting off food and water supplies to Gaza could harden Palestinian positions for generations and weaken international support for Israel.

Israel is indeed losing international support for its policies, as evidenced by the vote of 120 countries in favor of a ceasefire, despite the opposition of 14 countries, including the United States.

Summoning their ambassadors from Tel Aviv, both Colombia and Chile, and Bolivia severing ties with Israel, depict the international quagmire it finds itself in as it continues to bomb civilians and kill children.

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