Death toll in Gaza reaches 22,000 since Oct. 7

Palestinian deputy pm calls for urgent action against the Israeli occupation

(Photo: Twitter/X)
GAZA – The Deputy Prime Minister of Palestine, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, said that the number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza has reached about 22,000, while tens of thousands are wounded, reported Al-Mamlaka TV.اضافة اعلان

Rudeineh added that the continuation of the aggression against Palestinians and their land without any international intervention will destroy the entire region.

Concerning conspiracies against the Palestinian cause, Rudeineh stated that they are an ongoing attempt to undermine their resistance and liberation. He emphasized that Palestinians are capable of facing any challenge, thwarting all conspiracies plotted against their rights, beliefs, and sanctities.

 Rudeineh said that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people, and will remain committed to the right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem, along with its Islamic and Christian sanctities.

Rudeineh held the US administration responsible for stopping Israel’s continuous aggression before it is too late, as the continuous American support is what encourages the occupation authorities to escalate their aggression and crimes against the Palestinian people.

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