Fake Israeli images of Hamas defeat stir criticism

IDF IOF Tunnel
(Photo: Twitter/X)
GAZA — On Tuesday, the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, discussed the misleading image presented by the Israeli army and analysts regarding the killing of thousands of Hamas fighters. General Itzhak Brik, former Commissioner for Soldier Complaints, stated that the occupation continues to forge images of this nature, having not learned anything from past mistakes.اضافة اعلان

The Israeli occupation presented a false image of “thousands of Hamas casualties and face-to-face combat between our forces and theirs.” The actual number of Hamas members “killed” by the forces on the ground is much lower. Most of the war does not involve direct face-to-face combat, as claimed by the occupation’s spokesperson. The majority of casualties and injuries were caused by Hamas explosives and missiles, reported Al-Ghad.

Hamas fighters emerge from tunnel openings to plant explosives, set traps and launch anti-tank missiles at armored vehicles, then disappear back into the tunnels.

According to Brik, currently, the Israeli army lacks quick solutions for fighting against Hamas, whose members mostly hide in the tunnels.

It is evident that the Israeli occupation spokesperson and senior officials want to portray the war as a significant victory before reality comes to light. To achieve this goal, they bring major television channel correspondents to Gaza to capture “victorious images.”

However, the destruction of Hamas tunnels will take years and will cost Israel. The occupation acknowledges that there are hundreds of kilometers of tunnels deep underground, with multiple branches. Some even consist of several levels, with numerous strategic points for battle.

Hamas has been constructing these tunnels for decades, following advice from prominent experts. They connect Gaza both lengthwise and widthwise, and they also link it to the Sinai Peninsula beneath the city of Rafah.

He mentions that the claim that Hamas has been disbanded has persisted for many years. As a result, all Israeli combat plans in Gaza, along with all possible tools for doing so, have been canceled. Experts also neglected to sit down and study, plan, and manufacture the appropriate equipment for underground warfare. Consequently, today they are improvising solutions, but they do not provide an effective response, according to Brik.

The occupation will need to establish large forces in Gaza for many years to come and continue fighting against Hamas fighters who emerge from the tunnels, launch anti-tank missiles, plant explosives, set traps and inflict significant losses on the Israeli army.

Therefore, the occupation will need to leave densely populated urban areas and operate in a more surgical manner through raids and airstrikes based on accurate intelligence.

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