G7 urges Israelis, Palestinians to pursue two-state solution

(Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — The Group of Seven (G7) leaders, met in Hiroshima, Japan recently and issued a statement calling on Israelis and Palestinians to take concrete steps towards achieving a two-state solution. اضافة اعلان

In the statement, the leaders emphasized the importance of refraining from unilateral actions that could hinder progress, including settlement activities and incitement to violence, according to Amad News.

Support for Palestinian economy and refugeesWithin the statement, the G7 leaders affirmed their ongoing commitment to support the Palestinian economy and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.

Recognizing the significance of economic stability in advancing the peace process, they reiterated their dedication to providing assistance in this regard.

Addressing conflict in Sudan
The G7 statement also touched upon the conflict in Sudan, urging all actors involved to renounce violence and take effective measures to reduce tensions.

The leaders emphasized the criticality of ensuring the safety of all civilians in the region, underscoring the importance of peaceful resolutions and stability.

Commitment to a political process in Syria
Regarding the Syrian crisis, the G7 leaders expressed their resolute commitment to a comprehensive political process facilitated by the UN. They emphasized the necessity of adhering to Security Council Resolution 2254, which outlines the framework for a political solution.

The statement underlined that the international community should consider normalization and reconstruction assistance only when tangible progress toward a lasting political resolution is achieved.

The G7 called on Iran to sever its support for Russia in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. Specifically, they urged Iran to refrain from providing Moscow with any weapons and to cease supporting Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

The leaders highlighted the use of drones by Russia to target vital infrastructure in Ukraine and called on Iran to abstain from contributing to this destructive capability.

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