Haddadin: It is necessary today to establish an economic NATO

Haddadin: It is necessary today to establish an economic NATO
The expert, strategic and economic analyst, engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin, said: “Last week, we witnessed NATO celebrating 75 years since the founding of that military alliance, which includes 34 countries, that spent $1,200 billion on armament this year and installing missiles in Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia instead of planting trees in our world ,while this world is suffering from desertification and climate change as a result of global warming. Neither NATO countries nor the counter alliance countries, including China and Russia, have been spared. They are now heading towards a cold war that will lead to a military crisis and the spending of hundreds of billions of dollars.اضافة اعلان

The main enemy of NATO is climate change, which will destroy the economies of their countries in the next decade, as the world loses annually a green area equivalent to the area of North Korea, with an increase in  temperature every year about 0.15 degrees Celsius, and this is a major threat to all countries of the world, including NATO, in addition to to the dangers of cities disappearing, not from nuclear missiles, but from drowning as a result of the melting of the north and south poles.

Therefore, we are counting on the leaders of the developed world at the upcoming COP29 climate summit, which will be held in november in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, to develop a quick and binding plan, with clear steps and specific time periods, for how to confront this coming danger, by directing military money towards supporting the economies of poor countries, to reduce of emissions and transfer of peaceful technology to third world countries ,instead of transferring the destructive weapons ."

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