Iraqi army destroys 15 Daesh hideouts in Salah Al-Din

Iraqi army destroys 15 Daesh hideouts in Salah Al-Din
Baghdad - The Iraqi army announced the destruction of 15 Daesh hideouts and positions during a military operation carried out earlier on Monday, in the northern Salah Al-Din Governorate.اضافة اعلان

An Iraqi army source told the Jordan News Agency (Petra) that the military operation, carried out by Iraqi army ranks, supported by counter-terrorism and rapid response, managed to completely destroy 15 Daesh hideouts, in addition to detonating several explosive devices that Daesh was preparing to carry out its terrorist plans in Salah Al-Din, such as al-Aith and Mutaibija areas.

The source added that the military operation is continuing to hunt down members of the Daesh gang and thwart their criminal plans.

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