Israel carries out drone attack against Hamas post

Hamas vowed Wednesday not to touch “a single cent” of international aid to rebuild Gaza following its war with Israel that ravaged the enclave it rules. (Photo: Unsplash)
(File photo: Jordan News)
TEL AVIV — The Israeli military carried out a drone strike against a Hamas observation post in the Gaza Strip in response to renewed rioting by Palestinians along the border on Friday, September 15, according to Israeli media sources. اضافة اعلان

In a statement, the Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians rioted on the Israeli border on Friday afternoon, including setting off explosive devices on the security barrier and hurling grenades at troops.

Soldiers stationed in the area responded with riot dispersal means and live fire in some cases.

The Hamas-run health ministry in the Gaza Strip said nine Palestinians were wounded by Israeli fire and crowd dispersal means. According to Palestinian media, among the injured was a photojournalist who was hit in the hand by a tear gas canister.

Footage from the protests showed tires set on fire along the Israeli security barrier, and troops responding with tear gas.

The incident comes as Israeli security forces are on high alert as the Rosh Hashana holiday is underway, amid a rise in warnings and intelligence tips about possible terror attacks.

The protests were a response to the killing of six Palestinian rioters on Wednesday, during an attempt to detonate a makeshift bomb on the border.

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