Israel in talks with Chad and Rwanda to host displaced Gazans

(Photo: Twitter/X)
TEL AVIV – On Friday, Israeli news source, the Times of Israel, reported that the Israeli government is negotiating with Chad and Rwanda about the possibility of accommodating tens of thousands of Palestinians from Gaza after their displacement.اضافة اعلان

An Israeli political source said that Chad and Rwanda have agreed in principle to discuss the possibility of accommodating Gazans in their territories, unlike other countries that have completely rejected it, reported Khaberni.

According to the source, the Israeli government offered the two countries a high financial reward for each Gazan who moves there. In addition, they are offering aid packages, some of which are military packages.

The Times of Israel added that the negotiations are being conducted with legal consultation due to the sensitivity of the issue, as well as the international criticism towards any plan to displace Palestinians from their homeland.

Many countries, including the US, Germany, and France, condemned these negotiations calling for the voluntary displacement of Gazans.

These countries called the negotiations “irresponsible statements” and that they contradict international laws. They continued that the forced displacement of Palestinians from their lands is not permissible.

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