Israel prevents lawyers and families from visiting prisoners

Israeli occupation prison
(File photo: Jordan News)
GAZA – The Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority stated on Sunday that the rate of attacks on prisoners inside Israeli occupation prisons has been escalating since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7. اضافة اعلان

According to Al-Mamlaka TV, the authority said that the Israeli prison administration prohibits visits by family members and lawyers, completely isolating the prisons from the outside world. They added that during the same period, 6 prisoners were killed as a result of severe torture.

Prison sections have been subjected to almost daily raids, during which Israeli forces brutally assault prisoners with batons, rifles, gas, and rubber bullets, causing them bruises, deep wounds, as well as fractures in the hands and legs.

It was mentioned that during the arrest and interrogation operations, Israeli forces deliberately break the homes of detainees, and then violently beat them from the moment of arrest to the end of imprisonment.

According to authority, if any prisoner requests a doctor, the immediate response from the occupation is, "anyone who requests to leave the section for treatment will be beaten and will die, as happened with the martyrs of the prisoners' movement who were martyred during the war inside the prisons."

They highlighted a series of punitive and racist measures imposed on prisoners, including the absence of proper shutters on windows, exposing them to severe cold and very light blankets. The prisoners attempted to close the windows with cardboard, but each time they tried, the room was raided, and they were punished and assaulted.

They added that the food was very poor, cold, and had a foul odor and the quantity provided for 12 prisoners is only enough for four. Moreover, many prisoners sleep on the floor due to a lack of sufficient beds, and the numbers of detainees in the sections are at least three times the normal capacity.

The authority emphasized that this fierce attack on prisoners coincides with the absence of the role of human rights institutions in providing the minimum protection and monitoring of their conditions and rights, which are clearly violated daily, subjecting them to a policy of slow death.

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