Israel says it is acting in ‘self-defense’ at ICJ

International Court of Justice ICJ
(Photo: Twitter/X)
THE HAGUE — On Friday, Israel appeared before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to defend its actions on October 7, 2023, which has led to the killing and retaliation of over 20,000 civilians in Gaza, mostly women and children.اضافة اعلان

While South Africa chose not to show videos and images of what has happened in Gaza in order not to make the case a ‘theatrical spectacle’ and focused on the facts of evidence which it has been collecting since Israel’s war on Gaza began, the Israeli side is focusing on the events of October 7, with images and video presentations to justify its actions.

During the opening session of the ICJ it began with saying that it is acting in self-defense.

One of Israel’s lawyers stated, “What Israel is doing is Gaza is not to destroy people but protect people. Its people,” he said. “Israel is in a war of defence against Hamas, not against the Palestinian people.”

Meanwhile, it added that South Africa has ties with Hamas and is distorting the factual and legal picture. 

Here are some of the key moments from the hearing:* South Africa has put forward a “distorted factual and legal picture”.
* South Africa attempted to weaponise the term genocide against Israel.
* Hamas committed a “wholesale massacre”.
* The case made yesterday “ignored” the events of October 7.

In his opening remarks, Tal Becker has said calls for provisional measures for Israel to end fighting in Gaza “cannot stand” because it has the right to defend itself.

The lawyer instead said the court should apply provisional measures against South Africa, accusing it of maintaining close ties with Hamas.

* South Africa enjoys close relations with Hamas despite the group being recognized as a terrorist organization by many countries.
* Hostilities between Israel and Hamas have exacted a terrible toll on Israel and Palestine.
* Hamas has systematically and unlawfully embedded its military operations, fighters and assets throughout Gaza.
* Hamas uses civilian infrastructure and fails to protect its civilians.
* Israel is operating in Gaza to protect civilians

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