Israel shells of a neighborhood around Nasser Hospital in Gaza

(File photo: Jordan News)
GAZA – Israeli occupation aircraft targeted areas close to Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, southern besieged Gaza on Thursday resulting in a number of casualties and woundings, according to Al-Mamlaka.اضافة اعلان

Ambulances rushed to transport a large number of wounded and killed most of whom were children, due to the airstrikes into the hospital. The hospital is currently operating at 150% capacity, according to the Ministry of Health.

An hour before the attack, Mohamed Qandeel, the head of the emergency department at Nasser Hospital in Gaza, had spoken about leaving patients in the hospital "facing their fate due to the lack of intensive care beds and artificial breathing machines."

He stated that the hospital had reached "the beginning of an actual collapse," and had been issuing warnings and pleas for the past seven days that the hospital was full of severe and critical injuries.

The hospital operates on fuel generators, and it lacks external water supplies.

Over the past 48 hours, about 200 martyrs and 400 wounded individuals have arrived at the hospital. Qandeel mentioned that the large number of casualties is a result of the weapons used, which cause extensive damage.

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