Israeli Rabbi: Sinai to the Nile River is part of the land of Israel

extremist Israeli Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf
The extremist Israeli Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf. (Photo: Twitter/X)
TEL AVIV – The extremist Israeli Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf stated that settlements must return to Gaza, and both the Sinai Peninsula and the Nile River are part of Israeli territory, according to Al-Ghad Newspaper. اضافة اعلان

During the conference "Settlement in the Gaza Strip" in Tel Aviv, attended by members of the Knesset, the radical rabbi asserted that Israel has a great historic opportunity to reclaim its biblical lands, including Gaza, Sinai, and the Nile region.

He emphasized the need for prayer and efforts to liberate these areas, considering them integral to the sanctity of Israel. The call for the reclaiming of Sinai is not the first time Sharbaf has made such statements. The left-leaning newspaper Haaretz noted that some rabbis view the catastrophe of October 7 as an opportunity to revitalize settlements in Gaza and are trying to diversify their target audience. Michael Bechar, a settler leader, stated, "If there is no crazy person, nothing will happen. I see many crazy people here, and we must reclaim our lands."

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