Israeli companies suffer sharp decline

(Photo: Twitter/X)
TEL AVIV – A survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Israel on Wednesday revealed a significant decline in revenues for nearly half of Israeli companies during the war on Gaza.اضافة اعلان

The construction and food service sectors were among the hardest-hit, with over 70 percent of respondents indicating a revenue decrease of more than 70 percent, Reuters, Al-Mamlaka TV reported. Small businesses suffered the most from the economic impact.

Thousands of Israelis called for reserve military service
Israel faced a shortage of labor as hundreds of thousands of Israelis were called up for reserve military service. Approximately 11 percent of companies reported that 21 percent of their employees were drafted into military service.

Construction sector heavily reliant on Palestinian labor
The construction sector, heavily reliant on Palestinian labor, was particularly affected due to restrictions on the entry of Palestinians from the occupied West Bank into Israel.

The survey was sent to 1,680 companies and conducted from October 24 to October 26.

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