Israeli support for Netanyahu sinks, poll finds

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
AMMAN – A recent poll conducted by Israel's Channel 13 has revealed that the popularity of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rightwing coalition government is declining. اضافة اعلان

The poll comes after three months of the formation of his government and shows that 60 percent of Israelis are not satisfied with the current government.

According to the poll, about 71 percent of respondents said they are not confident with Netanyahu to deal with the deteriorating existing situation.

The support for the government has dropped to 27 percent, indicating a significant lack of confidence in the current leadership's ability to govern.

New governmentOn the other hand, 33 percent of the respondents said they preferred the formation of a new unity government that would have Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid in it.
About 71 percent of respondents said they are not confident with Netanyahu to deal with the deteriorating existing situation.
Another 33 percent felt that there should be new Israeli elections, given the present government's support drop to 25 percent.

The poll also showed that support for Likud, Netanyahu's political party, has dropped to third place among all the other Israeli political parties.

If elections were held now, Likud would only get 20 seats, compared to 29 seats for Gantz's White and Blue and 21 seats for Lapid's Yatid Party, according to different news sources.

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