Jewish ultranationalists plan Jerusalem march

To urge expelling Muslim Waqf from Al-Aqsa

Jewish rabbis demand permission to slaughter animal sacrifices at Al-Aqsa
(File photo: Jordan News)
TEL AVIV — Two Israeli right-wing ultranationalist organizations, together with numerous so-called Temple Mount activist groups, are set to hold a march through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem Thursday night to call for the re-establishment of “Jewish control” over the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, Times of Israel reported.اضافة اعلان

The event, coinciding with start of the Hanukkah festival and titled “March of the Maccabees,” will proceed through the Damascus Gate and into the Muslim Quarter. It will then pass by the offices of the Jordanian Waqf which runs the Al-Aqsa Compound, and will finish by the ramp to the Mughrabi Gate which is the entrance to what Jews call the Temple Mount, located just outside the plaza of the Western Wall, the holiest site at which Jews are currently allowed to pray.

The goals of the march, as stated on a social media flier for the event, are to honor the memories of the Israeli soldiers who have been killed in combat against the Hamas group in the current war, “eject the Waqf from the Temple Mount,” and “restore full Jewish control in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.”
The Israeli police gave approval for the march to go ahead, but have restricted it to 200 participants and also refused a request by the organizers to go up to Al-Aqsa Compound itself.

Former Jerusalem police Chief Yair Yitzhaki has told Israeli Army Radio he cannot understand why police approved the march, arguing that the route through the Muslim Quarter is “an attempt to anger and inflame the area.”

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