Narcotics smuggling operation from Syria to Jordan thwarted, drugs seized

(Photo: Jordan News)

AMMAN — The Eastern Military Region, in coordination with the Military Security Directorate and Anti- Narcotics Department, thwarted on Thursday an attempt to smuggle large quantities of narcotics from Syria in to Jordanian territory, according to Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

An official military source in the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army stated that the rules of engagement were applied, which led to the injury of one of the smugglers and the escape of others into the Syrian territory. After searching the area, large quantities of narcotic substances were found.

The source stressed that the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army will deal firmly with any infiltration or smuggling attempt to protect the borders, and prevent those who try to tamper with Jordan's national security from doing so.

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