Over 1100 in Israeli Air Force end volunteer duty to protest judicial reforms

idf iaf plane f35 f-35
Three F35 aircraft were stationed on the runway at Sprouts Air Force Base.
AMMAN — More than 1,100 Israeli Air Force reservists said they will suspend their reserve duty in protest of the government action to reform the country's judicial system, reported the Times of Israel.اضافة اعلان

The bill would prevent courts from using the reasonableness standard in judgments against administrative decisions by the government, prime minister, and ministers.

They announced their intentions to strike in letter released Friday, which stated that the reservists, which includes 173 drone operators, 124 air traffic controllers and 167 staff, have threatened to start strike action as early as next week if the so-called reasonableness bill becomes law.

The reservists say they will not live in an undemocratic Israel. “Legislation that affects the Jewish or democratic character of the State of Israel must be carried out through negotiations and broad public agreement,” they warned.

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