Red Crescent says they have lost all contact with teams in Gaza

(Photo: Twitter/X)
GAZA – The Palestinian Red Crescent said on Sunday that they had lost all communications with teams on the ground following the Israeli destruction of vital communications infrastructure in the strip. اضافة اعلان

The communication cutout comes amid the ongoing heavy bombardment of the strip, with Al Jazeera reporting casualties and possible massacres in Jabalia refugee camp and the Beach camp west of Gaza city. 

Al Aqsa hospital continues to receive dozens of dead and wounded as airstrikes continue to intensify. 

The Gaza media office said they held the international community, including the United Nations, responsible for the protection of hospitals, especially Al-Shifa Hospital.

They said Israel had prevented them from evacuating the wounded from the Gaza Strip for 3 days.

They also slammed falsification and the broadcasting fabricated images regarding the usage of Gaza hospitals by Hamas and extended an open invitation to UN committees to verify the conditions of Gaza hospitals.

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