Russia UN envoy criticizes US for rejecting Gaza ceasefire resolution

1. (Box) UN Security Council
(File photo: Jordan News)
NEW YORK — Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya criticized the US for rejecting the Algerian draft resolution aimed at achieving a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.اضافة اعلان

Speaking during the International Security Council meeting, Nebenzya statedthat each time the US used the veto, it made the same hypocritical calls to “Just wait a little bit longer to give time for allegedly effective diplomacy on the ground”.

Nebenzya emphasized the absurdity of this pretext, asserting that Washington claims the Security Council impedes its plans and, therefore, requested not to obstruct them. He added, "Washington's real goal is not peace in the Middle East or protecting civilians, but rather ensuring its geopolitical interests, which require protecting its closest ally in the Middle East at any cost."

The document presented by Algeria called for an immediate cessation of war in Gaza, rejecting plans for the forced displacement of Palestinian civilians and reaffirming commitment to the Palestinian issue based on the principle of a two-state solution.

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