Suspect denies guilt in Palestinian student shooting

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AMMAN – On Monday, Hisham Awartani, a Palestinian student in Vermont, was discharged from the hospital on the same day the shooting suspect pleaded guilty. Awartani's mother, expressing concern that her son might never walk again due to a gunshot received for wearing a 'kuffiyeh' with friends, highlights the uncertainty surrounding his spinal injury and fears for his future mobility, as reported by Al-Ghad.اضافة اعلان

Despite her hope, Price conveys anguish over her son lying motionless in bed, acknowledging the emotional toll of potential paralysis. Her concept of justice involves holding the shooter accountable and preventing such crimes from recurring.

Simultaneously, Tamara Tamimi, mother of Kanan Abdalhamid, a pre-med student in Connecticut, awaits her son's imminent hospital discharge. Abdalhamid, an emergency medical technician, escaped the shooting, sought help, and believed his friends had perished. Tamimi criticizes the dehumanization of Palestinians in the U.S., attributing their plight to decades of inhumane policies, including those of President Joe Biden.

As for the third student, Tahseen Ahmed from Trinity College in Connecticut, he remains stable in the hospital.

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