The Houthis are garnering worldwide popularity

(Photo: Twitter/X)
SANA’A - Soon after the Houthi group hijacked a commercial ship in the Red Sea, the group used the vessel to record a music video.اضافة اعلان

In the slick production, Houthis use a drone camera to pan over the hulking ship. Then a famous Houthi poet appears on the deck — accompanied by what appears to be a cardboard cutout of Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian commander assassinated in 2020 — and begins to sing.

The Houthis have long been skilled in crafting poetry, television shows, and catchy music videos to spread their messages. But they have never had as large an audience as they do now, as the war in the Gaza Strip propels them to the center of a global battle of accounts and attracts new admirers around the world.

Over the past few months, the Houthis have vaulted to worldwide prominence by shooting missiles toward Israel and attacking ships in the Red Sea, causing minimal damage but disrupting the flow of global trade. The US and its allies have targeted the group with repeated airstrikes this month, further raising its profile, but the halting of shipping has continued. The Houthis have declared that a direct battle with the US is their goal.

Houthi leaders have seized numerous ships in a righteous battle to force Israel to end the war in Gaza, where the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) has killed more than 25,000 Palestinians since October7 according to Gaza health authorities.

Now the Houthis, taking advantage of the widespread anger over Israel’s conduct in the war, are speaking not only to fellow Arabs but also to South Asians, Europeans, and Americans, many of whom know little about the group and their history in Yemen.

“Victory in the battle of awareness is more important than victory in the military battle,” a senior Houthi politician, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, wrote on X on Tuesday, promoting a YouTube video of an interview he had done with an American writer.

On X, Al-Bukhaiti has been posting almost exclusively in English in recent days, criticizing Western imperialism and the “ruling Zionist cabal” while beseeching American followers to read the work of leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky.

“I will spread my message to the peoples of Western countries now, and I hope that the free people of the world will re-spread it on the largest scale,” he wrote.

Many people with large social media followings have been eager to share pro-Houthi messages in English, praising the group for challenging Israel and its main ally, the United States.

“This is what they have been working toward for years,” said Hannah Porter, an independent Yemen researcher who has studied Houthi media. “They are very open about the fact that the so-called soft war, meaning psychological warfare, is just as important, if not more important, than warfare.”

The group began as a movement led by members of the Houthi tribe. Its early communication strategies were decidedly low-tech, including paper leaflets, Porter said. The Houthis described themselves as an anti-imperialist force, battling against corruption and foreign influence. In 2012, they expanded their narrative reach by founding Al-Masirah, an Arabic-language television channel based in Beirut.

In 2014, the Houthis ousted the Yemeni government. Saudi Arabia led an Arab military coalition into a yearslong bombing campaign in Yemen in an attempt to rout the Houthis, and hundreds of thousands of Yemenis died in the fighting, and of famine and disease.

Yet the Houthis not only survived that war against the Saudis, who were aided by US military assistance and weapons, but also thrived, setting up an impoverished quasi-state that they rule with an iron fist. They now present themselves as the legitimate government of Yemen, ignoring the internationally recognized government that operates largely in exile.

Since the war in Gaza began, Houthi leaders have presented themselves as courageous underdogs: the only Arab group willing to take on Israel and the imperial might of the United States. In doing so, they have played on the sense of impotency felt by many Arabs who are desperate to stop the carnage in Gaza.

Powerful Arab states like Saudi Arabia have focused on diplomacy to try to end the war, shunning the more forceful measures that they once used to pressure Israel and its Western allies, like the 1973 oil embargo.

In that context, the Houthis have “pitched themselves as the highly moral, credible, real heroes, if you will — of not just Arabs, but humanity in general,” said Hisham Al-Omeisy, a Yemeni political analyst.

“At least they are making an effort in a time when other countries like Egypt and the Emirates did nothing for Palestine,” said Baha’eddine Jomli, a 35-year-old Tunisian.

In Bahrain, a Persian Gulf kingdom that aided the US-led coalition striking the Houthis, the Yemeni group has attracted admiration from many citizens who are frustrated with their government’s stance.

Ahmed El-Morshedy, a 30-year-old software engineer in Egypt, said that while he does not support Houthi ideology and is “very suspicious of their motives,” he finds it hard to condemn the militia’s attacks in the Red Sea.

“They seem to be a desperate attempt to exert pressure on the international community, particularly the United States, urging intervention to halt the ongoing genocide in Gaza,” he said.

A Houthi spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment. But last month, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a senior member of the group, dismissed the idea that it was seeking popularity.

“We are not in elections,” he wrote in a post on X. “Our stance is one of duty.”

Nadwa Al-Dawsari, a Yemeni nonresident scholar at the Middle East Institute, said Houthi narratives are often directed toward potential sympathizers on the Western left, tapping into anger over Gaza and “the fear of America getting involved in another war.”

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