UK Israeli Ambassador calls for entire destruction of Gaza

Tzipi Hotovely
Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely. (Photo: Twitter/X)
LONDON — In an interview with LBC Radio, Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely called for the destruction of the Gaza Strip, including schools and mosques, claiming that the strip is entirely connected to Hamas’ tunnels, Jo24 reported.اضافة اعلان

Hotovely's statements sparked outrage and prompted condemnations on social media, being considered a clear call for genocide. The remarks come simultaneously with former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's criticism of London police investigating Israeli war crimes in Gaza, finding the move worrisome.

Notably, this is not the first provocative statement from the Israeli ambassador. Previously, she told Sky News that Israel will not accept a two-state solution when the war on the strip ends. In response, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron stated that Hotovely's statement, which strongly rejects a two-state solution, is disappointing. 

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