UNRWA commissioner calls for increased aid to Gaza

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GAZA — The General Commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, stated on Friday that the aid trucks entering Gaza are inadequate and are considered insufficient.اضافة اعلان

During a press conference held in the occupied city of Jerusalem, he expressed concern that the international community seems to be neglecting Gaza, and pointed out that some warehouses have been destroyed, Al Mamlaka TV reported.

Lazzarini emphasized that aid should be delivered to those in need, and convoys should operate without hindrance. He noted that people in Gaza are going hungry because of the restrictions that prevent aid from reaching them.

"We cannot turn a blind eye to the catastrophe that has befallen Gaza," said Lazzarini.

He stressed the vital importance of ensuring a steady supply of fuel, as work in Gaza cannot continue without it.

Numbers during previous conflicts have proven to be accurate
Lazzarini also addressed the controversy surrounding the civilian casualty figures announced by the Ministry of Health, which is affiliated with the Hamas government in the region. He pointed out that the numbers provided by the Ministry during previous conflicts have proven to be accurate.

He told reporters, "In the past, over the course of five or six conflicts in the Gaza Strip, these numbers were considered credible, and no one doubted their accuracy."

The United Nations General Assembly decided last month to extend the mandate of UNRWA, which was established in 1949. The agency is authorized to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to registered Palestinian refugees in the agency's operational areas until a just and lasting solution is reached. UNRWA operates in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, and the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The agency's mission is to help Palestinian refugees achieve their full human development potential until a permanent and just solution to the refugee issue is reached. UNRWA's services include education, health care, relief and social services, infrastructure improvement, camp improvement, protection, and small-scale lending to Palestinian refugees.

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