What is the "Ghoul" Rifle manufactured by the Al-Qassam Brigades

Ghoul  Rifle 2
Ghoul sniper Rifle. (Photos: Twitter/X)
AMMAN – The name "Ghoul" was given to the sniper rifle in honor of the Al-Qassam leader Adnan Al-Ghoul, nicknamed "Abu Qassam's Missiles.” His name has resurrected  following the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the ongoing conflict as the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the use of its special rifle, "Ghoul," in multiple sniper operations against dozens of occupation soldiers in various areas inside the Gaza Strip, confirming substantial injuries in the army's ranks, according to Al-Ghad Newspaper.  اضافة اعلان

What is the Al-Qassam Ghoul Rifle?
During the "Protective Edge" battle in 2014, which lasted for 51 days between the occupation army and Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), revealed a sniper rifle they produced. At that time, they showcased video clips of precise sniper operations using the Ghoul rifle against several Israeli occupation army soldiers during their ground incursion into Gaza.

Since then, the Ghoul rifle has been in service with the Al-Qassam Brigades, and numerous precise operations have been carried out with it. Al-Qassam often showcased it publicly in various military parades in the Gaza Strip over the past years.

Why is it Called the Ghoul Rifle?
The name "Ghoul" was given to the Al-Qassam rifle in honor of the Al-Qassam leader Adnan Al-Ghoul, "Abu Bilal," who was nicknamed "Abu Qassam's Missiles." The late Adnan Al-Ghoul, led the military manufacturing in the Al-Qassam Brigades and succeeded in making a significant impact on the history of the resistance through his contributions to the production of the first Qassam missiles and shells alongside his slain colleagues, Muhammad Farhat and Tito Masoud. This was despite the blockade and Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip at the time.

Al-Ghoul began his military role before the outbreak of the First Intifada in 1987. He formed a military group that carried out stabbing operations against occupation soldiers. However, the group's cover was blown with the arrest of one of its members, prompting Al-Ghoul to travel abroad to gain military experience. He later returned to Gaza in the early 1990s to continue his work.

Al-Ghoul successfully created the first locally-made hand grenade despite limited resources and worked on producing mortar shells and anti-tank shells. He created the "Yassin" launcher shortly before his death. Under Al-Ghoul's leadership, the Al-Qassam Brigades witnessed the first appearance of the Qassam rocket. He produced rockets like "Bana," "Batar," and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The Ghoul made a qualitative leap in local weapons manufacturing, creating the first handmade grenade by shaping TNT material and placing it in a cup to form a grenade. He later established a factory for its production and further developed it technically and artistically.

Afterward, Al-Ghoul moved into the field of weapon manufacturing, successfully producing local mortar shells and the Yassin launcher to counter Israeli vehicles that were penetrating the Gaza Strip due to the limited number of anti-tank shells of the "RPG" model. He and his comrades then moved on to a critical station in the history of resistance by manufacturing Qassam rockets with various dimensions of range.

Adnan Al-Ghoul was arrested several times by the Palestinian Authority security forces and played a prominent role in the "Holy Revenge" operations for the first engineer in the Al-Qassam Brigades, the late Yahya Ayyash. He also oversaw the execution of dozens of martyrdom operations related to his work.

Al-Ghoul was killed on October 21, 2004, in Jaffa Street in Gaza City after 18 years of pursuit by the security apparatuses of the Palestinian Authority and the occupation army, in an airstrike that targeted him and his colleague, the Al-Qassam leader Imad Abbas.

What are the Characteristics of the Ghoul Rifle?
The Ghoul rifle is 14.5mm caliber, with a lethal range of up to 2 kilometers. Its length exceeds one and a half meters, making it an advanced sniper rifle compared to the Russian "Dragunov" rifle of 7.62 calibers and the Austrian "Steyr" sniper rifle of 12.7 calibers.

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