US House: Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism; 311 majority vote

1.US Congress to avert default
(File photo: Jordan News)

WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, the US House of Representatives passed a non-binding resolution, with a majority of 311 votes to 14 (13 Democrats and one Republican), declaring that "anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism." Introduced by Republican Jewish Representatives Max Miller of Ohio and David Kostoff of Tennessee, the resolution strongly condemns all forms of anti-Semitism.

It expresses unwavering support for the Jewish community worldwide amid the surge in anti-Semitic rhetoric linked to Israel’s war on Gaza. The resolution unequivocally asserts that anti-Zionism is tantamount to anti-Semitism. However, 92 Democrats opted to vote "present," effectively abstaining, following the urging of three prominent Jewish Democrats who criticized the resolution as a politically motivated attempt by Republicans to exploit Jewish pain and the serious issue of anti-Semitism for political gain, Al-Ghad reported.

Kostoff rejected accusations of political motives and accused Democrats of harboring anti-Jewish views. He stated, "Such hatred has no place in the halls of Congress or our national discourse." Republicans and some Democrats have accused certain left-wing Democrats of using anti-Semitic language in recent weeks. Last month, Rep. Rashida Tlaib faced criticism for endorsing a pro-Palestinian slogan seen by many as calling for Israel's destruction.

In the resolution, it condemned forms of anti-semitism, citing sources and instances where anti-semitism has increased since October 7, adding:

  1. Clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism
  2. Rejects all forms of terror, hate, discrimination, and harassment of members of the Jewish community
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Representative Jerrold Nadler, the longest-serving Jewish member of the House, argued against equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. He stated, "Most anti-Zionism, especially at this moment, suffers from the problem of real anti-Semitism, but we can not fairly say that one equals the other." Nadler deemed the resolution either intellectually disingenuous or factually incorrect and cautioned against ignoring the diversity of Jewish views, including Jewish anti-Zionism, within communities like Satmar in New York and followers of the pre-state Jewish labor movement.

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