Before and After October 7

Before and After October 7

Zaidoon Alhadid

Zaidoon Alhadid is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

The world witnessed events on October 7 that left a deep mark on both regional and international levels. Despite the passage of time, the repercussions of these events continue to pose significant challenges for many countries and peoples. As we enter a new year, it seems that these challenges may be increasing, necessitating a thorough analysis and understanding of what lies ahead.اضافة اعلان

Before October 7, the region was experiencing a state of political tensions, where regional conflicts and political differences cast shadows over relationships between countries. However, what occurred on that day marked a turning point, leading to a radical reshaping of the political landscape. Many governments will face mounting pressure from their citizens to respond to these events, which may result in political instability.

The October events also had significant social impacts, as many communities experienced unrest and the displacement of families who lost their homes and livelihoods, finding themselves in precarious situations.

Additionally, sectarian and racial tensions increased, leading to the disintegration of social fabric in some areas. These factors could escalate and exacerbate social crises.

Economically, the impact was evident, with major and medium-sized companies suffering severely due to market disruptions. We could see a decline in foreign investments and an increase in unemployment rates, potentially leading to deeper economic crises. Economic analyses predict that the coming year will be filled with challenges, as governments in the region strive to rebuild their economies while facing public pressure.

On the security front, the events also led to changes in national security policies for many countries, which may be compelled to increase their military budgets and enforce stricter security measures. This escalation could heighten military tensions and place the region in a state of sustained instability.

With all these factors, we can expect the coming year to be even more difficult. Leaders must seriously consider how to address the growing challenges, and there should be calls for regional and international solidarity and cooperation.

Ultimately, what comes after October 7 is not just a date but the beginning of a new phase that requires us to think about how to confront crises and challenges with a spirit of collaboration and understanding. Being aware of changes and recognizing potential consequences can help build a better future for all.