Khettan_s: From online hobby to embroidery business

(Photos: Handouts from Khettan_s)
AMMAN — After failing to find a job in her field of specialization, software engineering graduate Saraa Abu Rumman, decided to learn how to embroider and started her own embroidery business. What prompted her in this direction, was her independent spirit and her refusal to rely on her family financially. اضافة اعلان

“I started embroidering things for myself for fun. People around me showed me they loved what I did and started asking me to embroider for them,” Abu Rumman told Jordan News. Little by little she became convinced that her embroidery would be appreciated by a wider audience and she decided to start a small business that could support her financially.

(Photos: Handouts from Khettan_s)

In 2019, Abu Rumman created her online store “Khettan_s” which means “Threads_s” in English. 

She believes that individuals should not get stuck on one path in their lives, and should instead learn new things. “I did not give up on software engineering and I have a cookie business in addition to my embroidery one,” she said.

Abu Rumman is a self-taught embroiderer who used both technology and her mother’s expertise with embroidery to learn the skills she needed. She bought pieces of fabric with drawings on them called “canva”, and used YouTube videos on embroidery to learn the different stitches used, her mother taught her the basic embroidery stitch.

(Photos: Handouts from Khettan_s)

She soon took this new hobby to the next level and started using embroidery hoops, and here again she used YouTube videos to learn more about hoops and kept practicing everything she learned. 

For her designs, Abu Rumman is inspired by listening to the suggestions of her cousins and friends and their requests. “I try to make designs with different stitches, and to make each piece unique, I do not like people to have the same things,” she said. 

She also searches for new designs as she does not want to be confined to a particular shape or design. “I get inspired by the people around me, the videos I watch and my surroundings. For instance, once I got inspired by the pattern in the carpet in my room,” Abu Rumman said. 

The first things Abu Rumman embroidered were scarves, and it was the only design that was bought from the UAE. “Step by step I decided to embroider English letters on T-shirts. Now I am trying to introduce our Arabic culture to my designs by embroidering Arabic letters as well,” she said.  

(Photos: Handouts from Khettan_s)

“The first time I embroidered was on a scarf I have, it was a drawing of a flower. However, it was big and appeared heavy on the scarf.”

The most difficult step in embroidery is the process of removing the embroidery hoop. “The fabric is held taut by the hoop, there are two difficulties when removing it, the first is whether the T-shirt will have hoop marks on it, and the second is to what extend the embroidered part would have shrunk. I have to keep everything in mind,” Abu Rumman said.  

(Photos: Handouts from Khettan_s)

What she likes the most about embroidery is the process itself that makes her happy while doing it. “Embroidery helps get the negative energy out, and it isolates me from all the negativity. In addition, when I reveal the results and they are beautiful, and I deliver it to my clients, and they love the piece, this gives me positive energy,” Abu Rumman said.

People is Jordan started to buy unique pieces to feel special. Nevertheless, many people that Abu Rumman has dealt with do not appreciate the effort that goes into making handmade products. 

“I sell a T-shirt for JD18 and sometimes for JD15. Some pieces take approximately one day to finish, and I buy high quality T-shirts and fabrics because I do not want them to get damaged in the wash or after use,” she said. 

“I test the fabrics by washing them at different temperatures to make sure they do not get damaged. Still, some people say that the prices are high, which does not compare with the effort I put into them,” Abu Rumman said.

(Photos: Handouts from Khettan_s)

In the future, she aspires to expand her brand, learn more types of embroidery stitches, and design for men and not just for women. She would also like to introduce a winter collection as many of her orders are for summer. She also aims to add designs for babies such as drawings. 

Majd Al-Amr, a friend of Abu Rumman, said that she is known as a very hard-working person. “She always finds a way to stand independently. She started embroidery as a hobby, and ended up making such beautiful and lovely pieces that it gave a very heart-warming feeling,” Amr said, adding that her friends encourage her to develop and expand her art and business.

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