Jordan’s trade balance deficit with GAFTA tops JD2billion

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Kingdom’s trade balance deficit with the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) inched up by 1.39 percent to around JD2.075 billion in 2021, compared with JD867 million in 2020, the Department of Statistics (DoS) said in a statement carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The statement said that national exports to GAFTA countries last year went up by 12.6 percent to JD2.268 billion, compared with JD2.014 million in 2020.

National imports also climbed during the last year by 50.7 percent to JD4.343 billion, compared with JD2.881 billion in 2020, the report added.

According to data, Saudi Arabia was at the top of the list of Jordanian exports to GAFTA countries in 2021 with JD733 million. It also headed the list of countries importing to Jordan, with imports from Saudi Arabia amounting to JD2.282 in 2021 with a trade balance deficit of JD1.549 billion.

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