Jordanian detergent industry competes internationally

(Photo: DETEX 2022)
AMMAN— Locally-manufactured detergents are developed to high-quality, allowing them access to foreign markets, said Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply Yousef Al-Shamali.اضافة اعلان

At the opening ceremony of DETEX 2022 on Monday, Shamali said the detergent industry undergoes fast and consistent development, keeping pace with demands for high-quality products, thanks to local manufacturers’ efforts in developing and promoting their products.

Shamali said detergents are part of the chemical and cosmetic industry, which is a key economic sector. In 2021, the sector’s exports reached 16 percent of the total industrial exports, he said.

The industry has succeeded in filling the needs of local and global markets, he said, pointing out that the sector has a big opportunity to boost productivity and marketing, owing to government support.

Fathi Al-Jaghbir, president of the Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI), said DETEX seeks to make Jordan a regional hub of the detergents industry, noting that the sector is facing many challenges that call for cooperation between the private and public sectors.

Currently, there are 768 facilities operating in the detergents industry, with a capital of JD788 million, 15,000 employees, and exports estimated at JD1 billion in 2021, Jaghabir said.

Jordan produces 275,000 tonnes of detergents, 200,000 of which are exported at $200 million a year. The rest is for local consumption.

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