Closing Commercial Stores at Specific Hours: Is It a Well-Considered Step?

Closing Commercial Stores at Specific Hours: Is It a Well-Considered Step?

Zaidoon Alhadid

Zaidoon Alhadid is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

Recently, the topic of standardizing the closing times of commercial stores has become a hot issue for discussion in the Kingdom, Opinions are divided regarding the decision to close stores in the summer at 10 PM and in the winter at 9 PM, This decision has sparked significant debate due to its potential positive and negative impacts on the economy and the daily lives of citizens.اضافة اعلان

Standardizing closing times could contribute to better time management and scheduling. With uniform hours, shoppers can plan their trips more effectively and make the most of their available time, Additionally, stores can enhance their service efficiency by having a set time for closing, which allows them to organize inventory and clean the store. This also makes it easier for local authorities to conduct inspections and ensure compliance with regulations.

Uniform closing hours could also enhance safety by reducing commercial activities during late hours, which may help decrease crime rates and uncontrolled wandering in residential areas, Moreover, standardized hours can level the playing field among businesses by providing equal opportunities for sales and employment, which may benefit both large and small stores.

On the other hand, there are downsides to this decision. It limits shopping options for citizens, especially those with long working hours or irregular schedules, potentially reducing their opportunities to shop during the designated hours, Small business owners may also be negatively affected by the unified closing times, as they might rely more on extended hours to boost their sales, particularly during peak times such as holidays.

An additional concern is the impact on the transportation sector, which could experience increased pressure on the transportation network, With more visitors concentrated in specific times, there could be higher traffic congestion and longer waiting times on the roads.

In summary, while standardizing store closing hours offers benefits in terms of organization and efficiency, it also raises concerns about shopping freedom and transportation pressure, Decision-makers must carefully consider all influencing factors before implementing such a policy to maximize benefits and minimize potential drawbacks, A thorough evaluation and continuous monitoring are essential to achieve a balance that enhances citizens' quality of life and improves business operations.

Ultimately, in my opinion, decisions that directly affect citizens should be based on a public referendum rather than just opinion surveys, as such decisions are not easy to implement in challenging economic conditions, Careful consideration and precise planning are crucial to avoid negative impacts on citizens' livelihoods.