Gold exceeds historical barriers by approaching 2600 dollars per ounce.

Gold exceeds historical barriers by approaching 2600 dollars per ounce.

Mohannad Abbas Haddadin

Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin is a strategic and economic expert and analyst. [email protected]

The economic data, indicators and tools of inflation and growth received from the United States are still foggy, as they have made it difficult to tighten monetary policies and the required balances, while moving towards targeting a 2% inflation rate may topple the US economy and enter a real recession, and easing the tightening policies may gradually return us to square one, and the decision of the US Federal Reserve coming this month, which came late, to reduce interest on the dollar from 25-50 points and closer to 25 reduction points.اضافة اعلان

All this will remain in a cosmetic form until the next US elections, as the next president will try as much as possible to put the facts on the table in those policies and deeply search for the reasons that lie in hindering the recovery of the US economy during his rule for the next four years .

The uncertainty that envelops these Western economies has strong indications: the weakening of oil demand as a result of the slowdown of the two strongest economies in the world, which account for 35% of global GDP, namely the Chinese economy and the economy of the United States.

The wars that are still raging in Ukraine and Gaza and their tensions that have reflected on the entire global economy, the high global indebtedness, the increase in military armament of countries, all this has affected the global economy and affected the support of projects and the expansion of existing ones and the weakness of investments created that economic slowdown, increased unemployment and the lack of creation of new jobs.

And do not forget about the big event next month, which is the BRICS meeting in the Russian city of Kazan, where countries agreed on new monetary instruments that will deepen the economic problems for the United States as a result of pressure on the dollar to get rid of it and new payment methods .

Therefore, it is expected that gold will set new records in rising, especially the fact that some central banks of countries wishing to join the BRICS or that have joined previously increased their demand for gold as their reserves, and this will push further rises in the prices of the yellow metal, especially next year .

Expert, Strategic and Economic Analyst 
Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin 
[email protected]