Haddadin: Calls for an urgent Arab summit to be held next September.

Arab League
Haddadin: Calls for an urgent Arab summit to be held next September.
Arab League

Mohannad Abbas Haddadin

Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin is a strategic and economic expert and analyst. mhaddadin@jobkins.com

The expert, strategic and economic analyst, Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin, called for an urgent Arab summit to be held next September, after the US Democratic Party meeting next month, which will determine the features of the Democratic candidate for the US presidency, and speculation so far is in favor of the candidate, Kamala Harris, current Vice President Biden.اضافة اعلان

The holding of this Arab summit comes in light of the Israeli insistence on eliminating the Palestinians and liquidating the Palestinian issue under the pretext of recovering prisoners and eliminating the resistance, with an American administration whose rule is about to end, which did not present any clear road map to resolve the Palestinian issue, but rather supported Israel in its war on Gaza,which targeted civilians, including women and children.There are approximately 150,000 dead, wounded and missing, with a million and a half were displaced from their homes to live in tents that were not spared from the bombing.

The Arab leaders at the proposed summit must take the initiative to present their vision and solution to the Palestinian issue in a comprehensive peace plan with a new frame in light of the current changes and what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank, which includes serious steps for a political solution followed by regional economic plans which serve the world economy by leading to the prosperity of the region and the world, in light of the arrival of one of the candidates from both parties in the United States to the white house, because during the era of former President Trump there was the deal of the century, which was considered a jump over the Palestinian issue with a deal in favor of Israel at the expense of the Palestinians.

The echoes of the candidates from both parties regarding this peace plan must be clear and binding, as the American voters of Arab and Islamic origins and the voices calling for peace will swing the balance in favor of whoever adopts the next solution to it. In addition to that the Arab peace plan will be presenting to the BRICS group at their next meeting at the end of this year, to give it global momentum and momentum.

What awaits the Arab leaders is a crossroads to have their say, because there will be no peace, economic prosperity, and normalization with the Arab peoples without a two-state solution for the Palestinian state to be established on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.