Is our economy ready for the next stage

Is our economy ready for the next stage

Mohannad Abbas Haddadin

Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin is a strategic and economic expert and analyst. [email protected]

The difficult conditions that the world is experiencing today, environmental, climatic, economic, demographic and geopolitical challenges, technological progress and the rapid entry of the Fifth Industrial Revolution have changed the rules of strategic thinking of the countries of the world and their leaders are working on high-precision parts of these challenges to make a difference.
Those who do not understand what is going on around us from these challenges will not catch up with what others have thought before and this will lead to more complications .
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I'm going to knock the minus danger in this article, maybe someone will hear .
The United States has planned for decades to achieve prosperity and progress at all levels by attracting innovators, innovators, entrepreneurs and qualified people from all over the world to work in it by creating the right climate for them and material support to work inside research centers, universities, technological and industrial companies through Silicon Valley and others,there are those who held government positions; unfortunately, there was a percentage of Arab immigrant minds about 5% participated in this, they were all the added value of what is in line with the plans and strategic thinking of the United States, so they achieved the desired results and what will serve the US economy in the coming period, as entrepreneurs and innovators contributed with 50% of the support of its economy. The US spent last year 154 billion dollars on scientific research and innovation, while the Arab world spent only a billion dollars for this purpose.

What the world is waiting for in the near future from modern technological applications of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, Cloud computing, etc.and various commercial, cultural and social platforms, we will become consumers and users of all of them, as we consumed Western industries through the Second, Third and Fourth Industrial Revolution.

After the acquisition by the United States of all the joints of modern technology, which will sell these services to us, and we will remain consumers, paying a large part of our money to obtain them, which we have become indispensable, and I will clarify this ,by giving four examples :

First: the Global Position System GPS, on which the United States has paid billions of dollars through the launch of satellites, the construction of ground receiving and transmitting stations and providing them with various devices, servers and operational costs, will soon become paid, no plane will fly without paying a subscription to get this service on every flight, and no traveler will be able to drive his car to move within cities and countries without subscribing to this paid service.

Second:when you buy a car from the West,the operation of your car and moving in it will become paid, as the car computer will be connected to servers that give the movement code to allow the motor to start moving, it is not forbidden to give any user when buying a new car, for example, 1000 free operations or use for 5 years and then it will become paid, and imagine paying one dollar for each movement of your car, and not only that, cars will be electric powered by a battery for life, so how will the government then secure an amount of about a billion dollars in fuel tax from gasoline and diesel? -

Third: all social, cultural and scientific platforms will become paid and no visual, voice or video communication will remain free.

Fourth: access to weather information, whatever its data will become paid.
Therefore, if we do not become non-consuming productive peoples, history will curse us ,and in order to try to correct our path, all the Arab world in general must walk together with the right steps that flow into these paths and in my country Jordan in particular, and I will mention some of them:

1.Localization of industries, whatever they are, to drive the industry.

2.Creating conditions for the return of emigrant minds to their homelands .

3.Supporting scientific research, entrepreneurship and innovation in the preliminary and university educational stages, as well as in companies and factories, and in both the public and private sectors.

4.Major changes in educational curricula in Schools, Institutes, Vocational Training Centers and Universities. 

5.Professional and technological transformation at every educational stage to discover talents and entrepreneurs, at least if the student turns towards his inclinations and not towards his capabilities to remember to lie in creativity and development in the labor market or in the academic direction.

6.Providing research, development and creativity tools from leading laboratories and centers to be built on and incubators developed for them.

7.Direct and stimulate investment in technology, industry, agriculture and energy, not services investment, and establish a national sovereign investment fund to participate in investment projects if necessary with partial financing. 

8.Rationing luxury imports, on which we pay in hard currencies, placing restrictions on imports that have local manufacturing, supporting the industry and the local product and opening new global markets after achieving Quality Control , Quality Assurance and applying the international standards for the local products. 

9.Serious thinking about the independence, sustainability and sustainability of water, electricity and food sources and relying on our own resources.

10.Real and agile reforms in the public sector to match the modern changes in technological progress in terms of focusing on the economy to include five ministries (Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Investment, Ministry of Planning and Minister of State for Economic Affairs) as well as the integration of ministries that will lead to the achievement of food security in light of climate change and the lack of water sources under the name of the Ministry of Food Security and Climate Changes (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of water and Ministry of Energy),and to establish a new Ministry of Scientific Research and Artificial Intelligence, and merging the Ministries of education with Ministry of Labour for the integration of graduates in the sector working according to the changing market requirements, this integration of all ministries to facilitate full coordination between technical and administrative staff in each specialty to maximize joint work to achieve the desired results and restore citizens ' trust in governments, which was lost due to poor performance, lack of real disclosure in decisions and performance, failure to put the right man in the right place and fight competencies, where mediocrity, nepotism and paralysis still prevail.

11.Giving a role to the private sector in the next stage and facilitating its work through new legislation and broad powers, and openness to experts, economists and experts from the private sector.

12.Recruitment of qualified and experienced ministers and officials, because in the Arab world, if an official possesses creative and innovative thinking, he can influence and change in any ministry or institution he manages.We want out-of-the-box thinking, we don't want monotony and business performance, and we don't want any financial solutions at the expense of the citizen's pocket.

13.Work on a computerized database in all educational, health, agricultural, commercial, industrial, tourism and service specialties... , a result of daily performance that contains figures and details to be used to make decisions and indicate failures and successes over short and medium-term time periods, and that the focus should not be on the parts of success without comparing it with previous variables or comprehensiveness of performance, and to enable Artificial Intelligence in the near future to take advantage of this data in developing solutions and solving problems.

14.Not to rotate officials in leadership positions because the world today has become more accurate in every discipline for the success of any work in the public sector.

15. The qualification of officials is appropriate qualification in line with global and most importantly technological changes.

16. Openness to the Arab world, economic, educational and technological integration and the work of an Arab entrepreneurship and Innovation Foundation and fund.

At the end, officials must be selected very carefully to assume positions, and if there is a flaw in the selection process, practical and accurate methods must be followed, taking into account new challenges and reconsidering those who provide studies, consultations and advice to the decision maker to choose the leaders who make the future as His Majesty the King wanted and always guide His Highness the Crown Prince,with the existence of the Economic Modernization Vision ,Political Modernization Vision and Administrative Modernization Vision ,and to assign a new Committee to  select officials and leaders and monitoring their performance and to hold the negligent ones accountable ,this Committee must follow to the First decision-maker so that we do the real translation on the ground of what we planned.

Expert, strategic and economic analyst.
Chairman of the board of Directors of the Jobkins company.
Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin