Playing in the lost time.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Playing in the lost time.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Mohannad Abbas Haddadin

Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin is a strategic and economic expert and analyst. [email protected]

 After Israel failed the US plan and all mediations in order to stop the Gaza war and the exchange of prisoners for a clear reason, which is to end the political life of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and hold him accountable at home and possibly abroad under the cases of the International Criminal Court after those mediations, Israel's failure to achieve any strategic results in the Gaza war and Hamas retaining more than 50% of its strength, and its leadership was not affected by the assassination of the head of the Hamas political bureau Ismail Haniyeh, but rather brought someone who is tougher militarily and diplomatically, in addition to the differences between military leaders and the Netanyahu government and pressure from opposition parties and the families of prisoners, and he pushed the Netanyahu government to think of an alternative to save itself from that predicament  especially since there is no US strategic decision these days to solve the Middle East problem, for fear of influencing the upcoming Democratic Party candidate Camilla Harris, keeping the situation as it is and submitting to what Israel is doing on the ground is the current US reality until the next  US elections.اضافة اعلان

 Over the past decades, Israel has had a strong military strategy in war and peace, from the occupation of the Palestinian territories in 1948, and then the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967, and then its submission to the peace agreement with neighboring countries, but Israel's image was shaken and weakened inside Israel and abroad after the seventh of October,  because of the floundering of decisions taken by the extremist Israeli government ,instead of withdrawing from the occupied territories on fourth of June1967,for independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, this government abandoned any strategy that serves its future in the region with its barbaric attack on Gaza, and after this failure, the futility of this war and its unwillingness to open the political horizon, this government decided to move the eyes of the world and the region to another more complicated place, which may introduce Israel and its Western allies into new complications.

Israel is still covered by the cover of the West, so any action it does, even at a small level, the fleets of the West are moving to support it, what Israel did during the past week of using technology in its most hideous form through the bombings of individual pager communication devices in southern Lebanon, which injured thousands of Lebanese, did not succeed during a whole year in Gaza because the men of the resistance in Gaza played on the technological side and avoided all forms of technology from pager communications, cells and wireless devices of all kinds in their daily lives and military operations in the face of Israeli aggression, which made it difficult for Israel to reach them and target them. 

Resorting to targeting leaders will not provide or delay the achievement of any military results because there are dozens of leaders ready to play roles, the time that has been exploited now in light of the previous regional calm in which the West intervened, Israel is betting on it by delivering painful blows to Hezbollah through airstrikes and the use of technology, but in the end it will not achieve any strategic goals from this and will embarrass its allies, especially that the main supporter of the Lebanese resistance a few weeks ago, he explained the upcoming Iranian economic plan in the coming years, he also said that resolving differences with neighboring countries and the whole world is the way to solve economic problems, and this indicates that there are understandings that may have been agreed or will be done soon with the West, the current situation in southern Lebanon will remain the same with Israeli airstrikes, limited assassinations, mutual bombing with Hezbollah and without any Israeli ground invasion or what is called  the coprehinsive war and to convey Gaza's experience of destroying infrastructure in south Lebanon and making it unlivable ,until the next US president arrives, regional deals will be completed, and Israel will not bear the result of its invasion either for southern Lebanon, any additional financial cost, which is estimated at daily losses of up to 300 million dollars, is added to what it loses in Gaza 220 million dollars a day for a total of 520 million dollars a day, in light of the 8% Israeli budget deficit for this year, and the accumulation of debts estimated at 315 billion dollars, all this does not defuse the regional war that may be caused by Israel .

Expert, strategic and economic analyst 
Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin 
[email protected]