Publishing of fake news raises questions over media objectivity

fake news gaza justin bieber
(Screenshot: @jacksonhinklle/ Twitter-X)
On Wednesday, during a meeting with Jewish families, US president Biden implored his citizens to seek the truth.

“I never really thought I would see, have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading babies,” he said emphatically to a room of Jewish families. اضافة اعلان

Later, when questioned on the source of the information - it was revealed that no such photos had ever been seen nor confirmed, and the information was based on nothing but Netanyahu’s word and Israeli sources.

By this time, however, it was too late. The story had already made its way around the world, from CNN to the Independent - the west exploded with condemnation of Hamas’s proposed brutality - and a new round of consent was manufactured for the annihilation of Gaza.

Fables of savage beheadings had circulated prior to Biden's remarks, based on the testimony of a single reporter for the highly compromised and Netanyahu aligned I24 news. In an apparent rewrite of every rule of journalistic integrity developed over the last century - highly esteemed western publications rushed to spread the story without ever making a single call to verify.

Those who did, including reporters from Sky news and the Turkish Anadolu Agency were met with an inconvenient journalistic reality, when Israeli officials continually failed to verify the story.

The story lacked any evidence, and yet desperate for views - lusting on the emotions that islamist terror provokes in the western populace - many so called “journalists and editors” went with it anyway; regardless of the cost to their actions.

Unfortunately, this was not the first time during this conflict that western reporters would lower their editorial standards below that of the average subreddit.

Shani Louk, the girl which became the poster child for condemnation and sympathy with Israeli colonisation, the girl who just “wanted to party” but ended up supposedly raped/killed and paraded around the streets of Gaza - turned out to be alive.

Her own mother confirmed the reports in an interview, saying trusted sources had informed her of her daughter being treated in Gaza hospital. How could this be? Louk had already been martyred by the press and become a flashpoint for the genocide of Gaza.

Inconveniently for the press, their primary case study had turned out to be a fraud and yet little apology followed. Instead, more reports of mass rapes by Hamas militants, based on nothing but singular Israeli military sources continued to flood the headlines.

As a tirade of raw video footage and evidence began to flood the internet showing actual Gazan kids being pulled from rubble failed to barely get a mention; many of those not brainwashed into following the official party line of the western military apparatus began to question the validity of what they were seeing. 

Is this what constitutes fair journalism in the year 2023 ?Of course, this is not to say that there have not been violations by militants on the ground, the reality and brutality of the war means the sanctity and dignity of human life is often lost.

However, where do we draw the line on how we report conflict and what sources we take.

There are hundreds of videos circulating online that purport to show the humane treatment of hostages by Hamas militants, a settler whose home was breached by two militants described being dumbfounded when militants who had entered her home did not touch her or her children, one even asking permission before taking a banana from the pantry.

Nothing should be above the line of reporting, but if the western media is so quickly ready to fall in line with the state sanctioned position - then our profession is under more threat than I originally feared.

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