The goal of electronic mosquitoes and those who support them is to offend Jordan?!

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The goal of electronic mosquitoes and those who support them is to offend Jordan?!
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Consultant Dr. Radwan Abudams

Consultant Dr. Radwan Abudams is a political commentator based in Amman.

After the criminal entity lost its artificial virginity and lost its luster and the admiration it enjoyed from the majority of the peoples of foreign continents, its true nature became apparent to them as a result of the crimes of genocide, destruction of the facilities of life, torture, burning and killing tens of thousands of children, women, the elderly and civilians, and working to starve and displace those who remained of them. He is alive in the bleeding Gaza Strip, where international laws and treaties have forbidden the carrying out of these acts that fall under the name of war crimes. His loss and loss were not marketed in the media over the past years, saying that his (alleged) state and his army are civilized because his armed gangs and his management of the war appeared for what they are in front of the world.اضافة اعلان

In light of these data, electronic mosquitoes have spread and their number has increased through social networking sites and media channels, fully funded by the institutions of this entity and under the direct supervision of it and through its aides, in an attempt to insult and question the positions of the pillars of the Jordanian state with the aim of defending the Palestinian cause.

The problem is that these skeptics carry out these tasks in countries that are considered the main supporter of this occupying entity, which does not recognize or deal with any term related to human rights, not even animals, and does not implement the treaties that it signed regarding the treatment of citizens who suffer under the scourge of occupation, or that include the concepts of war and the treatment of prisoners.

Logic may accept that this entity would recruit hundreds of its citizens to confuse Jordan with all its components through the Internet and under pseudonyms because of Jordan’s positions and before the recent events that the region witnessed at the end of last year, which warned of the continuation of the arrogance of this unjust entity and its plans to displace legitimate citizens. And confiscating their lands and provoking the followers of heavenly religions by invading Christian and Islamic sanctities and not seeking to implement international resolutions related to the two-state solution, in addition to confronting the strong, solid and bold Jordanian position that it expressed unilaterally after the events of October 7, through the shuttle visits of the King of Jordan to the decision-making and influential countries that had been declared frankly. About its full support for this entity, as the goal of these visits was to clarify the dangers of aggression against the Palestinian people and even against the countries of the region and its consequences of instability and the expansion of the circle of war (and this is what is happening), and how the diplomacy and courage of the King of Jordan were able to change the orientations of those countries and the majority of them retreated from supporting the killing administrations for that entity. In addition to changing their positions, which were not interested in the issue of the long-standing conflict between two poles, a criminal, occupier pole that enjoys all the means of killing and international support, and a pole that does not have the most basic necessities of life... And how was it persuaded to join the Jordanian air bridge to transport food and medical aid to the people of the bleeding Gaza Strip, knowing that the aid bridge This was established under royal directives and follow-up. His Majesty King Abdullah II and his daughter, Her Highness Princess Salma, may God protect her, participated in some of its landings. This air bridge constituted the clear concept announced for breaking the siege imposed on a people for whom the world had failed to stop famine, and what accompanied that bridge was hundreds of trucks traveling through the lands. Jordanian aid is loaded with urgent aid to support the steadfastness of that oppressed people.
In light of these Jordanian positions, unfortunately, mean mouthpieces of Arab nationality emerge who agreed to be recruited as mercenaries to carry out work tasks to insult and cast doubt on Jordan in exchange for sums of money stained with the blood of the victims of aggression that are paid to them and they obtain residency and citizenship of the country in which they carry out their dirty work.
This misguided, skeptical group accepted this betrayal with all its concepts and meanings and sold itself to the aggressor oppressor in order to be a contributing element to the liquidation of the Palestinian cause... When you carefully listen to the analysis, criticism and statements of these skeptics towards Jordan 🇯🇴 and its positions with a long narration and hastily referring to a simple part of war crimes, it is like raising a censure for an attempt to convince... Some say that they practice media work with impartiality, and this is of course not the true reality of their job. It is clear to every sane person the extent of the ongoing conspiracies and machinations to which this authentic country is exposed, knowing that far and wide, even those who support the tools of crime, recognize Jordan’s positions and sacrifices towards the Palestinian cause and its justice as approved by the resolutions...the blood of the army. The valiant Arab was and still is a witness radiating light from the soil of the Palestinian territories and the stones of the walls of Jerusalem. These mercenaries or those parties that twenty-five years ago and more adopted the idea of establishing armed entities in some countries and under the slogan of supporting the Palestinian people, contributed, intentionally or unintentionally, to increasing forms of support. This usurping entity includes countries that have all the capabilities and have also increased the pace of non-denunciation and rejection of the ongoing massacres against the Palestinian people and the Judaization of their lands...

The main goal pursued by the instigators and beneficiaries is to expand the circle of war and bring Jordan into a war whose disastrous consequences for its capabilities, infrastructure, and citizens are well known and clear.
Balanced, rational, sovereign states have created armies to defend their borders and security and not to engage in destructive wars in all senses. They cannot, thanks to the awareness and skill of their leadership, be led into the unknown or be a means to implement the agenda of any party or state that wants to obtain sectarian or political gains with the aim of adopting an unreal slogan. To support the Palestinian state, and what is striking is that the owner of this slogan has a permanent presence in countries close to their goal and alleged claim with the least cost and time if this metaphorical description is true, unless it is their real goal!! Destabilizing a state that was and still is the lifeline of Palestine and the nation’s issues and the millions of Arabs who are displaced and displaced from their homelands on its lands as a result of the scourges of civil wars that ravaged their countries.

As a result, it is not possible for any party, regardless of its authority and media arms, to change the solid and legitimate positions it adheres to regarding the Palestinian issue and its people, and to attempt to think about compromising Jordan’s sovereignty, security, lands, and sky. Jordan has a conscious leadership that enjoys great international Arab respect, a valiant Arab army, and security services who have dedicated their lives to maintaining security and sovereignty. And the safety of its lands, its airspace, and its citizens, and a people aware of everything that is being hatched in secret, and a living witness to countries where their citizens are being led and interacting with external and internal influences, and unwittingly helping in the destruction of the capabilities of their homelands. And no matter how much any party tries to take advantage of media platforms to direct poisonous arrows into the nation’s artery, it will fail, because this is a blessed land. She was created to remain lofty, dear, and strong until the Day of Judgment, despite the will of every conspirator, hater, and traitor to her honor, Arabism, and religion.

Consultant Dr. Radwan Abudams