The rise of digital banks in Jordan

digital banks Vs Traditional banks in Jordan, landscape, hyper-realistic, smooth, cinematic shot, highly detailed, sharp focus, 4k, 8k, 128k, Wide depth of field
AI-rendered image illustrating the contrast between digital and traditional banking systems. (Photo: AI-Generated)
digital banks Vs Traditional banks in Jordan, landscape, hyper-realistic, smooth, cinematic shot, highly detailed, sharp focus, 4k, 8k, 128k, Wide depth of field

Hamza Alakaleek

Hamza Alakaleek has graduate degrees in International Political Economy and International Business Law from Yarmouk University and University de Montreal with focus in Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection.

The rise of digital banking has been one of the most significant trends in the financial services industry in recent years. Driven by advances in technology, digital banks offer a variety of advantages over traditional banks, including convenience, efficiency, and lower costs. This has led to increased competition for traditional banks, and has forced them to adapt their business models in order to compete.  اضافة اعلان

Because Jordan has a young and tech-savy population, with a high rate of internet and smartphone literacy, the Jordanian Central Bank has been supportive of the development of the digital economy, and has taken steps to create a favorable regulatory environment for digital banks.

Why Jordan is a favorable environment for digital banking:
A young and tech-savvy population (with a median age of 23 years old). This means there is a large pool of potential customers who are familiar with and comfortable using digital technologies

High internet and smartphone penetration: Jordan has a high rate of internet and smartphone penetration. In 2022, 92 percent of Jordanians had access to the internet, and 88 percent owned a smartphone. This means that a large number of people have the necessary infrastructure to use digital banking services.

A favorable regulatory environment: The Jordanian Central Bank has taken steps to create a favorable regulatory environment for digital banks. In 2020, the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) issued a new regulation that allows for the establishment of digital banks in the country.

Challenges facing digital banks
Lack of trust in digital banking: there is still a lack of trust in digital banking among some Jordanians. This is due to a number of factors, such as the fear of fraud and the lack of understanding of how digital banking works

High cost of entry: the cost of establishing a digital bank in Jordan is relatively high. This is due to the need to invest in technology and infrastructure.

Cybersecurity risks: digital banks are more vulnerable to cyberattacks than traditional banks. This is because they store data and conduct transactions online.

Regulatory challenges: the Jordanian government is still developing a regulatory framework for digital banks. This could create uncertainty for businesses and investors.

Benefits of digital banking
The legalization of establishing digital banks in Jordan is a complex issue with no easy answer. On the one hand, there are a number of factors that suggest that digital banks could be a positive force for the Jordanian economy. Digital banks could help to increase financial inclusion, improve the efficiency of the financial system. Digital banks could improve the efficiency of the financial system.

Traditional banks have a lot of overhead costs, such as the need to maintain physical branches. Digital banks do not have these costs, which could make them more efficient and less expensive to operate. This will also reduce the cost of banking services. Digital banks could pass on their lower costs to customers in the form of lower fees and interest rates, making banking more affordable to everyone.

Disadvantages to digital banking
There are also a number of concerns about the potential negative impacts of digital banks. For example, digital banks could pose a threat to the stability of the traditional banking system. Traditional banks play an important role in the Jordanian economy by providing liquidity and credit. If digital banks were to take a large share of the market, it could destabilize the traditional banking system.

Digital banks do not have the same level of physical security as traditional banks. This could make it easier for criminals to use digital banks to launder money.

Moreover, digital banks could erode customer trust in the banking system. Some people may be hesitant to trust their money to a digital bank that they do not know or understand. This could erode customer trust in the banking system as a whole.

Additional steps
Nevertheless, Jordanian government has taken some steps to create a favorable regulatory environment. However, there are still a number of transformation policies that need to be implemented in order to fully legitimize the establishment of digital banks in Jordan.

First and foremost, the CBJ needs to put in place a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital banks. This regulation should strike a balance between protecting consumers and promoting innovation. It should also address issues such as cybersecurity, anti-money laundering, and consumer protection.

Secondly, the digital banks establishers need to provide adequate technological infrastructure in place to support the operation of digital banks. This includes ensuring that there is a reliable internet connection and that there is a secure and scalable payment system in place.

Thirdly, the Jordanian government needs to promote digital literacy among the population. This will help to ensure that Jordanians are aware of the benefits of digital banking and that they are able to use digital banking services safely and securely.

Furthermore, the CBJ needs to put in place strong consumer protection measures for digital banks. This includes ensuring that digital banks are transparent about their fees and charges, and that they have a fair and efficient dispute resolution process in place.

In addition, The Jordanian government needs to collaborate with the private sector to develop and implement the transformation policies needed to legitimize the establishment of digital banks. This collaboration will help to ensure that the policies are effective and that they meet the needs of both consumers and businesses.

The potential benefits of digital banking are significant, Jordan cannot afford to ignore them. The country is well-positioned to succeed in this area. By implementing the transformation policies outlined above, the Jordanian government can help to create a favorable environment for the establishment of digital banks and reap the many benefits that they offer.

Hamza Alakaleek is a Corporate lawyer and tax consultant with post-graduate degrees in international political economy, international business law, and law and technology with a focus on internet of things, artificial intelligence and data protection.

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