What Will Happen if Netanyahu Leaves?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
What Will Happen if Netanyahu Leaves?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Zaidoon Alhadid

Zaidoon Alhadid is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

The issue of the departure of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government comes amid escalating regional tensions, including potential Iranian threats to respond to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas. The political scene within Israel has become more complicated with increasing internal and external pressures, which could lead to significant changes in political leadership.اضافة اعلان

Netanyahu's government is facing rising internal conflicts among members of the ruling coalition and the war council, especially in the context of security, political, and economic crises. These disagreements could lead to increased instability, which might pressure Netanyahu to resign or force him out of office. 

Domestically, protests against Netanyahu's policies are growing, following the economic deterioration that Israel has reached. This includes opposition to his refusal to reach a truce that would return Israeli captives from the grip of the resistance and ease the burden of war costs, which have driven the economy to the brink of collapse. Moreover, new threats from Iran could expand the scope of the war and increase economic and political pressures.

Iranian threats to respond to Haniyeh's assassination could contribute to increasing international pressure on Israel and have escalated tensions in the region. Consequently, the pressure on Netanyahu to de-escalate tensions and achieve greater stability in the region has increased.

These threats, along with the ongoing escalation that could ignite the entire region, might push Israel's allies to reconsider their stance and pressure Netanyahu domestically to replace him, in order to defuse the potential for regional and global conflict if the confrontation continues.

As for the economic crisis, which could worsen due to the escalation with Iran, it may increase the pressure on the Israeli government. Economic crises could lead to a decline in public support for Netanyahu and his decisions, contributing to the push for his replacement.

Furthermore, the ongoing security crises and escalating threats may make it difficult for Netanyahu to manage the situation effectively. This could lead to the replacement of the Israeli government with new leadership, including the dissolution of the Knesset and the advancement of elections to better address these threats.

But the question that may arise here is, what will happen if Netanyahu leaves? 

This could undoubtedly lead to changes in military and security strategy. The new leadership might seek to adopt new policies to deal with regional threats and tensions with Iran and the region as a whole. 

They may also seek to improve relations with Iran and other Arab countries to reduce regional tensions, enhance the lost stability, and restore its political, economic, and military strength after the collapse caused by continued escalation and conflict.