Who are the leaders of the public and private sector for the next stage

Who are the leaders of the public and private sector for the next stage

Mohannad Abbas Haddadin

Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin is a strategic and economic expert and analyst. [email protected]

The requirements for filling positions in the public and private sectors in the world have changed for several reasons, the most important of which is the introduction of modern technology and its applications, intense competition in production, marketing and service provision in light of new global changes from geopolitical conflicts, the spread of famines and diseases that have affected work patterns, climate change, lack of sustainable natural resources, achieving food security, population increase, increasing poverty and unemployment, deteriorating economic conditions, rising budget deficits and high indebtedness.اضافة اعلان

Through these challenges, it has become imperative to choose leaders in the private or public sector for the coming period who can realize the importance of these challenges and make them an integral part as risks have weight in the performance of plans, tasks, duties and implementation, and be able to make prudent decisions in a timely manner without delay or delay to achieve the desired benefit.

The World Bank report states that there are skills to be provided in those who will fill future jobs, in order of importance from the most important to the least important, and I appreciate that I see it applies to the public sector as well, because the coming period is a purely participatory period between the public and private sectors,and I will include these skills to help select competencies for the next stage in the two sectors, namely:

- Creative thinking.
- Analytical thinking. 
- Availability of basic technological skills. 
- Positive curiosity and career-long learning. 
- The ability to withstand, flexibility and speed of movement.
- Systematic thinking.
- Artificial intelligence and big data. 
- Motivation and self-awareness.
- Talent management.
- Focus on services and customer service.
- Leadership and social influence.
- Empathy with others and positive listening.
- Reliability and attention to detail.
- Management of resources and operations.
- Networking and cyber security.
- Quality control.
- Design and user experiences. 
- Teaching and counseling.
- Environmental supervision .
- Programs.

The first skill "creative thinking" received the majority and weight of 73.2% of the private sector's attention when compared with the rest of the skills, and I would like to call this skill the term"thinking outside the box", which we always wish when choosing officials to describe it, while the last skill"programs" received a weight of 38.8%.

As for the rest of the skills, there is the part that those who take over the responsibilities are trying to acquire, the most important of which are technological skills and minimal knowledge, because the coming period is a complete change in the approach to life, its rigor and requirements, and indispensable at any time and place.

The remaining part is the skills that any official should acquire by developing himself, and others found in his personality that enable him to be a successful leader.

Before I conclude, I will touch on a very important topic, in order to obtain results and build on them in performance, the principle of accountability must be activated after setting indicators and criteria for evaluating the poor of the public and private sector.everyone, while performing his service in leadership positions, tries to highlight the positives he has achieved and does not mention the negatives or shortcomings that occurred while performing his service.

For example, in order to distinguish the performance of one government from another, it is necessary to develop main and sub-indicators with different weights and these values are collected to give the final result of these weights, and these indicators also include the challenges and difficulties mentioned in the first article, the degree of achievement and solving their problems, and to be supervised by a specialized committee 

The difficulty of the next stage and the scarcity of available resources, variables and difficult challenges make it necessary for us to choose those who will make a difference in solving problems and promoting the economy in the right way, away from theorizing and setting unrealistic plans and studies that are far from being applied on the ground.

Expert, strategic and economic analyst.
Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin.
[email protected]