A midst a lively crowd of shoppers,
Amman International Bookfair welcomed
visitors, young and old, at a brand-new location this year: Mecca Mall.
اضافة اعلان
The annual
bookfair, which is hosted by the Union of Jordanian Publishers in cooperation
with the
Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) and the Ministry of Culture, carried
the theme “Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine”.
This year, the
bookfair had a children’s section on the top level and a more general section
on the lower level, and a few conference halls to accommodate 400 local, Arab,
and international publishing houses and presenters, a change that was met with
mixed opinions.
Location change
“They should not have made it on two floors. I believe one floor would
have given all participants an advantage,” Nijmeldeen Al-Bukhari told
News. Bukhari ran the booth for publishing house Kunooz Al-Maarefeh.

“I found that
this year, people are rarely here to find or look for books. The fair is more
visited because of the fact that it is a fair,” he added. “There was weak
turnout this year as well. The advertisement for the fair was weak, too.”
Saeed Shaaban,
manager of the Egyptian Tashkeel El-Nasher for Distribution publishing house
was more jubilant about the experience.
“It is not
always that a bookfair is held in a mall — an advantage this year. The location
enabled us to meet different types of customers, not just readers. It allowed
us to integrate with the visitors of the mall and other audiences, which made
our participation very successful,” Shaaban told
Jordan News.
At Lebanese
Universal Publisher and Distributor booth for English architecture, interior,
design, and children’s books, Fadi Moukanzah — who was participating for the
second time — told
Jordan News: “It is better than last year, the change was a
good decision. But what was missing this year were students; we did not see
many school or university students, maybe because there is a budget issue.
“I think the
Ministry of Culture or the Ministry of Education could have supported Arab
publishers a bit more. Maybe offering (students) $300–$400 to spend at the
booths would have been (a) good (initiative). But, it was a successful fair.”
Dar Al-Manhal
Publishers’ CEO Khaled Bilbeisi told
Jordan News: “It was a new experience,
which we hope develops.… While the place is new, we have noticed over the last
few days that there is a distinctive level of turnout.”
“This location
is better. It is our first time here, and as with any new location, it comes
with its own set of difficulties,” said Ghassan Hussein, vice president and
director of the Media and Public Relations Committee at the
Union of Jordanian Publishers, and a lead organizer of the bookfair.
Finding a
location, he said, was a bigger issue than hosting the fair at the mall.
“Jordan is the
only country that does not have a conference center or fairground. We have
voiced this to the Ministry of Culture, the Prime Ministry, and the Lower
“This year —
just about a week ago — GAM told us that a study is being conducted to assess
the possibility of creating a convention center or fairground, which is very
important,” he added.
Focus on children
This year, the fair dedicated an entire hall for children-oriented
activities, including games, readings, and educational activities.
Among the booths
decorated with colors, flags, and cartoon characters was Al Salwa Publishers’
stand, whose founder, Taghreed Najjar, is a renowned author who has been
writing children’s books for over 40 years.
Najjar’s works
range from books for 2–3 year olds to early teens; she founded Al Salwa
publishing house in 1996 to “fill any gaps found in children’s publishing with
high-quality publications”, she told
Jordan News.
Author Taghreed Najjar, stands at Al Salwa Publishers’ booth.
Najjar’s works
are often used as supplementary reading in schools. She is expected to release
a new story next month, alongside three other stories for the children’s series
titled “Jad and Tala”.
Themes in
Najjar’s books vary; they are are not limited by a set standard.
“I write about
things that happen around me — sometimes when I am with my grandchildren, with
my children when they were young, these are my inspiration.”
In comparison to
last year’s “river of people”, which Najjar credited to people being excited to
come back post-COVID, this year’s new location had less traffic, especially due
to the separation of levels and timing, she said.
“The timing was
not right. They held it at the beginning of the school year, when parents were
tired of buying school-related stuff,” she said.
Still, Najjar
praised the bookfair for giving her the opportunity to meet people.
“People feel
close to me when they read my books, so it is really nice to get the
opportunity for them to come and say hello. I really enjoy that,” she said.
On Friday,
Nabatean poetry could be heard echoing through the fair, performed by Hilal
Suleiman Al-Shurafat, Tayseer Al-Zulalabiyeh, Thabet Al-Sakhri, and Majd
The fair offered
a wide range of meet and greets, symposiums, and books signings by various
authors over the course of 10 days.
Mira Jarrar’s stand at Amman Intenrational Bookfair.
Amongst the
authors meeting visitors was Mira Jarrar, educational cooking classes host for
children, teens, and families, and author of “Cook’s Solutions”, a cookbook
designed and curated to appeal to youths and encourage them to take initiative
in preparing their own meals.
“I want to
encourage them (the youth) to eat healthier food that tastes good, not bland,”
she told
Jordan News.
“I wanted to
teach children actual cooking, away from cupcake and sprinkles. Studies show
that children eat what they grow up on and what they cook, and those who learn
to cook while young are more capable of cooking five healthy meals when they
grow older,” she said.
Jarrar, who is
an independent publisher, was participating in the bookfair as part of the Dar
Al-Manhal Publishers’ booth, as independent publishers are not allowed to
register for the fair.
The bookfair, which was inaugurated by the Minister of Culture Haifa
Al-Najjar on September 1, hosted publishers from 22 countries, including Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine,
Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Britain, Italy, China, and Jordan.
Hussein, from
the Union of Jordanian Publishers said: “This level of participation did not
come from a vacuum. This shows the participants’ keenness to develop Amman’s
bookfair, and the union’s dedication, alongside that of the Ministry of Culture
and GAM.”
“The Union of
Jordanian Publishers hosts this distinctive cultural event in Jordan annually.
The union, its administration and its subsidiary committees, work for free and
with personal initiative to hold the event,” said Hussein.
“The bookfair is not a
for-profit event. It is a cultural and national event, organized by volunteers
and officials elected by the general assembly of the publisher’s union to
organize it annually.”
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